Ch. 7: Pain and Regret

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The next day, the family decided to have a relaxation day. Sprig and Polly were on the couch while Anne was in wolf form, taking a nap on the floor. After all the chaos they dealt with, they needed this since they somehow ended up in the center of it all! Anne more than everyone else!

'I feel like I'm the main character of a TV show.' Anne thought before using her back leg to scratch behind her ear.

"This is the life, eh kids? A nice quiet day at home. The farm work is done, and the town is quiet." Hop Pop said as he drank some tea while reading the paper.

"Yep, nothing could ruin this day." Sprig said.

'And he's just jinxed us.' Anne thought, opening her eyes.

Just as Anne thought that, an explosion went off in the middle of town.

"Sweet frog!" Hop Pop shouted as the house shook!

"Duck and cover!" Polly shouted!

Anne jumped on the couch and looked out the window, seeing smoke coming from the middle of town, and another explosion went off.

'Trouble!' Anne thought as she shifted back to normal!

"Something is going down! Something big!" Anne said as she ran to the door, kicking it down and rushing out.

"Anne, wait!" Sprig shouted as he ran after her.

"Kids!" Hop Pop said, running after them.

Polly just looked at them run.

"Eh, I'm not moving." Polly said.

Anne and Sprig made it to the center of town, seeing the statue destroyed and fires spreading.

'What the hell caused this?!' Anne thought as she noticed some frogs working to put out the fires.

Something blue was thrown at a building, blowing up, and causing part of the building to get destroyed.

"Aaaah!" Frogs screamed.

"Was that magic?!" Anne asked, remembering that Maddie could throw spells in blue pouches.

"No, it looks like... boom shrooms." Sprig said.

"What!?" Anne asked, "What are those!?"

"They're mushrooms that blow up." Sprig said.

"Those are a thing here?!" Anne asked in shock!

First giant bugs and now exploding mushrooms?!

"Yep... and there's one heading for us so we should probably move." Sprig said.

The duo looked up to see a boomshroom falling towards them before they jumped out of the way!

"Yeah! Now that's a good explosion!" Someone shouted in glee!

Anne looked up and saw a group of dirty frogs.

"Now that we caused some chaos, let's loot the place!"

"Loot? We're getting attacked by bandits?!" Anne asked in shock.

"Yeah, buts this is uncommon! No bandit comes to Wartwood!" Sprig said as he got up. "We need to stop them!"

Anne let out an inhuman growl.

"I agree."

Anne got up and rushed to the bandits, seeing two of them heading towards the bakery to start. Anne shifted and ran at them. She jumped and knocked one down, before turning and biting down on the other's arm.

"Aaah!" He screamed before Anne shook him and slammed him back and forth to the ground!

The other frog got up and tried to knock Anne down, but Sprig fired a rock from his slingshot at him.

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