Ch. 31: The Museum

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A few days later, Anne decided to introduce the Plantars to some human culture. Thus, she took them to the L.A. Museum of Natural History.

"Did you guys really have to bring him?" Anne asked, walking beside Jeep Frobo as Polly was driving AGAIN.

"And why am I in the back seat?" Hop Pop asked as Sprig was in the passenger seat.

"I go by my own rules!" Polly said.

Anne sighed.

"You know the museum might not let him in, right?" She said, pointing to Frobo.

"I hope they do. I could get used to this "Jeep" thing." Sprig said.

Anne just led them there.

"Four tickets, please." Anne said once they got to the museum.

"Do you have any children with you?" The man at admissions asked.

"Two and one senior citizen." Anne said.

"Okay. Then that will be $16." He said.

She paid and they went in. And they for some reason, let Polly drive in while driving Jeep Frobo.

"Polly, don't leave skid marks please." Anne said.

"Fine." Polly groaned.

"You know, let's just focus on the culture and not speeding through the museum." Hop Pop said.

"I agree." Anne said, "Maybe this place can teach us how to get back to Amphibia."

"Maybe but I don't know. How rare and cool would it be to find something from Amphibia right here in L.A.?" Sprig asked, excited.

"Rare, but, we've done more rare before." Hop Pop said.

"Let's just enjoy the museum and see if we get lucky." Anne said.

And in they went. They walked through about three exhibits before stumbling upon something that looked EXACTLY like something from Amphibia. A vase or pot of some sort with frog hieroglyphs and the royal symbol on it.

'Oh you have got to be shitting me!' Anne thought.

You know, she wasn't going to argue, after everything she's done for others, it's nice to get a lucky break.

"Hot dog! We found it!" Hop Pop said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Sprig said before jumping towards it.

Anne quickly grabbed him by the shirt and held him in the air!

"Sprig, read this sign." Anne said, holding him out to a sigh.

"Do not touch the art." Sprig read.

"Exactly." Anne said.

"So what? We can just-" Anne cut Polly off.

"Find the curator and ask questions about! Good idea, Polly." Anne said, putting Sprig back on Jeep Frobo. "All of you just stay here, DO NOT touch the art, and I'll be back."

She left, but not before putting a finger to her eye and then giving the "I'm watching you" motion with her hand. If they knew what was good for them, they would obey her as their pack leader... But, when did they ever do that?

"I better hurry." Anne said, speed walking to find the curator before an alarm goes off.

Anne found the curator office.

"Hello? Curator?" Anne asked as she knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Anne opened the door and walked inside, seeing a dark skinned woman with glasses and a colorful shirt at her desk writing on some papers.

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