Ch. 2: Recovering

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The next day, Anne was sitting on the couch, using her good arm to play on her phone.

"Breakfast is almost ready, Anne." Hop Pop said from the kitchen.

"I'm coming, Hop Pop." Anne said, "Need any help?"

"No, you just rest, don't want your arm to get any worse." Hop Pop said.

"It's not a big deal, HP, it's not like I was mauled or anything." Anne said, "I can at least move the plates to the table."

Anne put her phone away and got up, holding her side a bit as it was bandaged under her shirt. It wasn't as bad as before, but it was still tender.

"Geez, frog forbid you get mauled." Hop Pop said, "Here, I'll let you carry the plates to the table, but one painfilled groan, and you're sitting down."

"Okay, deal." Anne said as she went to grab the plates, bringing them to the table.

She set them down and began to set them down on the table. It was easy enough and not too strenuous. Anne could tell Hop Pop was listening the entire time, just wanting to make Anne sit down and rest. Too bad for him she had finished without any sign of pain.

"Told you." Anne said.

"Very good, Anne." Hop Pop said.

Hop Pop went back to cutting, and Anne's face turned to a look of pain. She was good at keeping pain hidden, but she defiantly didn't expect her ribs to still hurt this much.

'Keep it together. Just take it a bit easier from now on.' Anne thought with some breathes before taking a seat at the table.

"So, where are Sprig and Polly? Doing some chores?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, they should be in any second." Hop Pop said.

There was a crash and Hop Pop and Anne looked at each other.

"I think they're coming." Anne said.

Right on cue, Sprig and Polly rushed to the table for breakfast and sat in both sides of Anne.

"Hi, Anne!" They both said.

Hop Pop sighed, he'd figure out what broke later.

"Hey, guys." Anne said with a wave of her good arm.

"So, how're you feeling, Anne?" Sprig asked.

"Doing pretty good. Not one hundred percent but I'm still good." Anne said as she held up her broken arm.

She moved it a little too far.

"Ow." She said, "Okay, maybe, I'm not doing THAT good, but I'm still doing good."

"And that just means you need more rest." Hop Pop said to her, walking to the table with breakfast.

"I know HP." Anne said, "Man, I really want to heal up, it would be cool to run through the woods in my Spirit Animal without having to hide."

"Could you take us with you?!" Polly asked.

"Yeah, that sounds so cool!" Sprig said with a smile.

"No sprinting." Hop Pop said as he passed out breakfast to all of them, "Besides, that's a while from now, she still has to heal enough to get the cast off."

"Okay, Hop Pop." They said before looking at breakfast.

It looked like a type of stew filled with beans, bugs, and more meat than usual.

'He must've taken my diet into thought.' Anne thought, since predators needed more meat than most, 'That was thoughtful.'

"By the way, Anne, everyone in town has been talking about you." Sprig said to her.

"Really? Anything good or bad?" Anne asked before taking a bite of her stew.

"Well, nothing bad, but just be aware, when you're healed, you may want to be prepared to answer a lot of questions." Sprig said.

"Mostly from Maddie, that girl has been FREAKING out since you revealed your spirit animal magic or whatever she said." Polly said.

"Yeah, probably should've expected that." Anne said.

"These also Ivy, she wonders what kind of adventures you've been on before coming here." Sprig brought up.

"Oh, boy, that's going to be a long explanation." Anne said.

"How long?" Sprig asked.

"Possibly hours at best." Anne said as she ate more stew, enjoying the meat more than the bugs.

All she had to do was wait a few more days and then she can get her cast off. But what would she do until then? She was going to have to stay inside and not move.

'Oh, god, it's like when I was a pup all over again.' Anne thought, 'At least this time I can see and hear.'

Becoming your spirit animal at a young age can be cool but it can be hard to properly control with little to no experience. Especially if you're like Anne, who was part of the population that was born while her mom was in her Spirit Animal form, which means she was also born as her Spirit Animal. Still, it was better than Marcy, she had to hatch out of an egg. Once breakfast was done, Anne was brought back to the couch and back in her phone to pass the time. It was going to be a long week.

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