Ch. 18: Frobo for All

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A little while later, the bird landed outside the Plantar family home.

"And she's still standing. Just like I said." Hop Pop said.

"Yeah, I guess you were right about that tulip guy." Anne said with a small smile.

"Of course, I was, he's the go to guy for this."

"I like tulips." Chuck said, coming back with some groceries in his hand.

"Chuck! Just the frog I wanted to see. Nice job housesitting for us." Hop Pop said as everyone got off Joe Sparrow.

"I grew tulips." He said.

To make his point, Chuck pointed to some freshly grown tulips he planted near the door just to make the farm look a bit better. Marcy seemed to like this as she flew down and transformed back to normal before them.

"Tulips, one of my favorites!" She said, taking a gentle sniff, "Such a wonderful smell."

"Yeah, Chuck grows the best tulips in town." Polly said, hopping next to Marcy.

"Speaking of wown, I'm going to go check on the town." Anne said, "After that we can take a look at that thing Hop Pop was talking about."

"Wait, let me come with you!" Marcy said excitedly.

"Why?" Anne asked.

"I want to see Wartwood with my own eyes. See how much it's changed from what o read in the books from Newtopia." Marcy said with a smile. "Plus, I want to see all the friends you've made here."

"Uh, they're a little... wary to outsiders." Anne said.

"Oh I'm sure it'll be fine. You've told them about me and.....HER, right? So they should know I'm nicer." Marcy said with a smile.

"Yeah but still, Sasha left a very bad impression." Anne said, "Just... try and keep the questions to a minimum."

"Okay, I promise. Not too many questions." Marcy said, zipping her lips.

Anne nodded to her and began walking into town as the Eagle Guard followed her. When the towns folk saw Anne, they greeted her.

"Anne! You're back!"

"Great to see you!"

"How was Newtopia?"

It was obvious to Marcy that Anne was very liked by the townspeople, like a local celebrity. Even had a statue of herself and her wolf form on display in the center of town!

'Oh my god, that is so cool!' Marcy thought, taking out her phone and taking a photo of it.

"Yeah, that was because I held off a bunch of Tax Collectors." Anne said, "Got my arm broken that day."

"Oh yeah, you told me about that." Marcy said, hissing at the memory.

"Say, who's this Anne?" Ivy asked, pointing at Marcy as everyone looked to her.

"Everyone, this is my other human friend, Marcy." Anne said.

"She's been in Newtopia the entire time." Anne said.

The townsfolk looked a little wary.

"Is she like the bear girl who is with the toads?" Wally asked, narrowing his eye at Marcy in suspension.

"No, Marcy is NOTHING like Sasha." Anne said firmly.

"For one, my spirit animal is not as monstrous as a bear. Instead it's majestic and cool." Marcy quickly added, "And I can fly."

To show her point, Marcy transformed into her eagle spirit animal and flew into the air!

"CAW!" Marcy let out.

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