Ch. 13: Olms My God

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A couple weeks later, the Plantar's were riding through quarrelers pass, when a freak storm hit.

"THUNDERSTORM!" Hop Pop shouted, pulling Bessie to stop! "We gotta find some place to hunker down!"

The wind began to pick up and a lightning bolt came down and hit the ground in front of them. Bessie was spooked and began to move quickly and erratically. The fwagon hit a pot hole and Polly and Sprig were knocked off, falling right off the road and into a ravine filled with water, while Anne, Hop Pop, and Bessie were knocked to the ground, slightly under a makeshift cave of fallen rocks. They were knocked unconscious. The next morning, Anne woke up, her vision fuzzy.

"Huh? What?" Anne mumbled, raising herself up and rubbing her eyes.

"Hop Pop?" Anne asked, seeing his limp body, "Hop Pop!"

Anne quickly tried to get up, but fell down because her limbs were still sore from last night. She began to crawl over and began shaking him.

"Hop Pop!? Are you okay!?"

She moved her ear around his chest, listening for any heartbeat.

'Come on!' She thought before hearing his heart beating, feeling a large wave of relief. 'Oh thank you god!'

Hop Pop groaned.

"W-w-what happened? Am I in frog heaven... I doubt it... I have a dark, mysterious past." Hop Pop said, "Wait, Sprig! Polly! Where are you!?"

"Hop Pop, slow down, you might hurt yourself." Anne said.

Hop Pop leaned up, ignoring any pain, and looked around for his grandchildren.

"Where are they? Where are we?!" He asked.

"A cave. The fwagon hit a pole thanks to the storm and we got separated." Anne said, remembering the cause of the crash. They... they fell into the ravine and landed in water, so they might be okay... we just need to track them."

Elsewhere, Sprig was dragged onto land.

"Come on, Sprig, wake up!" Polly said.

She began slapping him several times with her stumps before he awoke and got another slap by accident.

"Ow!" Sprig said.

"Good, you're up!"

"Ugh, yeah. And my face hurts." Sprig said, rubbing his cheeks.

"Sorry not sorry but I had to wake you up." Polly said as she gestured around the area. "Because we need to find a way OUT of this place!"

They were at the bottom of a ravine, too steep to climb out, and too tall to hop out.

"Maybe there's a cave we can get higher."

"Then let's look around for it. Before the storm kicks up again." Polly said to her brother, hoping back into her bucket.


The two of them began walking down the ravine, searching for a cave to use so they could get out as the last remnants of rain was battering their bodies.

"I hope Hop Pop and Anne are okay." Sprig said.

"You don't think they-"

"Anne is too stubborn to die." Sprig said, before they went back to silence.

'True.' Polly thought as they confused through the ravine. 'Plus, Anne could probably sniff us out and find us first.'

Pretty soon, they found a cave.

"This should help us find a way out." Sprig said as he picked up Polly by her bucket.

"Yeah but why are you carrying me?" Polly asked.

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