Ch. 22: The Third Temple, Strength

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Once the business of armor and weaponry were dealt with, the group headed off to get to the third temple and charge the final stone of the calamity box.

'This is it.' Anne thought, 'The final temple.'

Once they reached the temple, everyone saw it was built near an active volcano! Lava and intense heat filled the air as they stood before it.

"They built it here of all place? Why?" Anne asked, pulling her collar.

"The scrolls said the toads wanted this temple to be a challenge." Marcy said.

"Mission accomplished."

"Finding it was the easy part, beating it is the hard part." Polly commented.

"Don't remind me." Hop Pop said, sweating from the heat and from worry.

"Well the sooner we start, the sooner we finish." Anne said.

"Exactly, so let's do this." Marcy said, walking to the door as a message appeared. "And here's our first riddle on how to get in."

She looked at her notes and her mood changed.

"What the- Lift to enter, Bruh?" Marcy said, "That can't be... what!?"

Marcy looked back over her notes to see if she read that right and she was, but that's what confused her! It's too simple!

"This has to be some sort of mistake." Marcy said, scratching her head. "Or a trick or something."

Frobo walked up and lifted the door.

"Told you it was a good idea to bring him!" Polly said.

Frobo smiled at them as everyone walked into the temple, the heat being even more intense as the Plantars instantly shriveled up into dehydrated forms!

"Oh man, I knew it would be hot, but not this hot!" Anne said.

"I'm sweating like crazy." Marcy said, waving a hand in her face.

"Let's get this stone charged and get out of here." Anne said.

They walked through the hot temple, with Frobo being the least effected but his metal shell was getting hotter. Too hot to touch as Polly couldn't ride on his shoulders. They found themselves next to across from a bridge. A message revealed.

"Whoa there boss. Think you're strong enough to get across?" Marcy read.

"Across what?" Sprig asked.

"It looks like a simple path over lava." Anne said, "Easy."

A chest opened and revealed Hammers.

"Hammers?" Polly asked.

"I detect life inside of the lava." Frobo said, scanning the lava river.


Pointing to the lava river, Frobo's warning was proved to be right as giant monster worms jumped over the bridge!

"Roooooah!" They roared!

"Don't worry, I got this!" Anne said, grabbing a hammer, "Holy shit, this is heavy."

Anne lifted it with a loud groan.

"Anne, you know Frobo could just lift it for you." Polly suggested, her voice hoarse and dry.

"No, I got it." Anne said, still struggling.

Anne ran and swung the hammer, hitting the worm... thing. It didn't do much. Anne got in front of the Plantars until a hammer hit the worm, this time, they all looked. Another worm rose from the lava rose, and was cut through the middle... by Sasha. In one arm, her typical sword, her other arm... completely covered by some kind of cape.

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