Ch. 20: The Second Temple, Heart

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After arriving back at the house, the group got ready to leave. Apparently Joe Sparrow arrived with the winter coats while Anne and Marcy were tracking the intruder but came up short.

'At least one good thing came from today.' Anne thought.

"Okay, we've got what we need, we're ready!" Marcy said.

"Then lead the way, Marcy." Sprig said as he, Hop Pop, and Polly got on Joe Sparrow.

"You got it!" Marcy said.

"Come on, Anne." Sprig said to her, seeing she was still not on the giant sparrow.

"I'm fine. I can run and follow." Anne said to him.

'And maybe I'll pick up the scent of that thing from before again.'

"Okay, if you're sure." Hop Pop said to her.

"I am. And it helps me stay in shape." Anne said before transforming into a wolf.

"Let's go!" Marcy said, shifting into her eagle form and flying into the sky.

Joe Sparrow took off after his friend as Anne followed from below on paw. At the same time, she was trying her best to catch the scent again. You never know if you'd pick it up along the way, Anne could never know in a world like this. And she wanted to be prepared for anything. After a while, they made it to the mountain. Just as they expected, it was covered in snow and ice like a winter wonderland that made the frog shiver from the cold while Anne and Marcy were just fine. Marcy flew down and landed on Anne's head. Anne sniffed the ground. Joe Sparrow landed next to them and allowed the Plantars to get off.

"Okay, now where do we go? I'm already freezing!" Polly said, wrapped in a ball of her coat.

Anne walked up and used her fur to keep Polly warm.

"Oh, now that is nice." Polly said, feeling even warmer than before.

"Okay, so where do we go from here?" Sprig asked Marcy.

Marcy looked around before screeching and flying.

'This way!' Marcy was trying to see.

They couldn't understand but it was enough for Anne to quickly grab each Plantar frog with her teeth and put them on her back before following after Marcy! Anne felt like she was in her natural environment, the snow, the cold, she was a true wolf here.

'Funny. I never really cared when I was one Earth but now, it's different...I'm different.' Anne thought, continuing to follow Marcy/hunt for who invaded her territory, 'Wait, the scent... they're here! The thing that was in wartwood is here!'

Looking around more, Anne saw an igloo in the distance with smoke coming from a makeshift chimney! This mountain must've been their home!

'Now I've got you!' Anne thought, rushing ahead of Marcy towards the igloo!

She burst in and saw... a sign.

'Out to lunch!?'

"Um, Anne? Where are we here?" Sprig asked her.

"And who is out to lunch?" Polly asked, seeing the sign too.

Anne growled.

"Ah, I see you've arrived." A new voice said.

Anne turned to the entrance and saw an old looking newt, wearing a black and gold robe. Anne sniffed the air, and knew she was the one in Wartwood.

'YOU!' Anne thought as she shifted back, accidentally knocking the Plantars off her back.

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