2. New life

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[Y/n] POV

Garou's father is a loser.

After being fired from his old company, he turned to alcohol and became what he is now.

Maybe the alcohol damaged his brain.

He considers his children a burden, blaming them for spending so much of his money.

During the economic crisis, he even beat his wife and kids.

Our mother often had to work overtime so it was normal for her to stay overnight at work. Mom knew we were abused at home by our father, but she didn't have enough money so we could live somewhere else.

The cost of going to school for me and Garou alone accounted for half a month's salary for our mother.

Before I got here, this had been going on for two years.

[Y/n]: Garou. Garou. Wake up.
Garou: Mmmmph....What ? I wanna sleep more.
[Y/n]: This is why I told you not to stay up late. Come on, wake up. We need to get out of the house before the old man wakes up.

After those words were said, Garou crept to the bathroom to clean himself.

After coming here for a while, I have accepted my fate and got used to everything.

Living with an alcoholic isn't easy.

The money given by mom always has to be hidden very carefully, if that bastard finds out, he will immediately use it to go to the casino.

When we're hungry, we can only eat snacks in the room, or cook instant noodles. The only time we can use the kitchen is when our father wants to eat or when he isn't at home.

The reason our mother still can't fight her husband is because the house is in his name, and we need a home.

Beside, she has no money to hire a lawyer to do divorce proceedings.

[Y/n]: Shhh. Now slowly.

I signaled to Garou when I heard his footsteps make a sound. He also imitated my actions.

Only after leaving the house did the two sisters breathe a sigh of relief and laugh as usual.

[Y/n]: Garou, what do you want to be when you grow up ?
Garou: Me ? I want to be a super monster.

I thought I could shape this kid's mind before he really became the world's disaster, but the journey was tougher than I thought.

[Y/n]: If Garou is going to become a monster, will you kill me ?
Garou: What !? No way ! I will never do that !
[Y/n]: But monsters are evil, and they harm humans too. Are you going to be like that ?
Garou: No ! I will be a monster fighting for justice. I will bring world peace. There won't be a monster or hero that can hurt you in my world.

I was a bit dumbfounded at Garou's assertion.

Garou is still Garou. Still nothing changed.

It's not that I hate Garou for this, on the contrary, I'm very proud of him. The child is helping the world in his own way. It's just...before I quit reading the manga, I got to the part where Genos was killed by Garou.

I want to prevent that future.

Garou: Nee-chan !
[Y/n]: What ?
Garou: Later, when I have become stronger, I will protect you. Whoever dares to bully you, I will give them a taste of this fist. I'll punch them ! Even that old man at home won't be able to escape.

Garou started to imitate the moves of the monster in the cartoon, and it was very cute.

I patted his head.

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