3. Another chance

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Third Person POV

Garou was awakened by the noise downstairs.

It was still very dark then. He guessed that his mother had already returned, but as he was about to go back to sleep, Garou realized that his sister wasn't in the next bed.

'Did she went to the bathroom ?'

The sound of a crash echoed in the hallway.

Curious and worried at the same time, Garou followed the sound downstairs. He was worried that his parents would quarrel again and that the old man might have done something to hurt his mother.

The old man's scream rang out for a few seconds and then was cut off abruptly.

Gaou didn't realize that his body was shaking. He continued towards the living room, where the noise was coming from.

Whether it was luck or bad luck that the door wasn't closed, he could easily see inside.

Blood everywhere.

The smell hit his nose.

His father was lying face down on the floor. His shirt was soaked with the red color of blood, and blood flowed from his body the most.

In the middle of that bloody painting, the only person standing was his sister, with the iron in her hand.

Seeing mom lying on the other side of the room, Garou didn't think much of it, but immediately ran to help her up.

[Y/n]: Garou ?

Blood was pouring from his mother's nose and scratch on her forehead. As for the blood on her body, he didn't know if it was the old man's blood or hers.

Her breathing was so weak that he thought she was dead.

Garou: Mom ! Mom...open your eyes ! Mom...! Mommy...!
[Y/n]: Garou, she's...

[Y/n]'s hand was pushed away by Garou. He hugged his mother, eyes filled with terror as he looked at his sister.


[Y/n] had no idea how scary and misleading her current appearance was.

She wanted to explain, but seeing Garou crying, and looking back at what she had done, her words caught in her throat.

'He won't believe me...'

10 minutes later, the ambulance arrived at their house

When they got there, the room was already a sea of ​​blood, and the boy was still desperately hugging his dying mother. In addition, they noticed bloody footprints running up to the second floor and then towards the back door.

At first glance, everyone thought that a murderer had broken into this house.

They took the child and the boy's mother to the hospital. As for the husband, he was confirmed dead and was left to the autopsy team.

The medical staff asked Garou questions on the way to the hospital. The boy only answered with silence.

[Y/n] POV

"No matter what happen, I will protect you"

I always say that, but I was never able to do that.

"I promise to always be with you."

My whole life has been meaningless, nothing but empty promises that I can never fulfill.

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