9. The other girl

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It's been more than an hour since they got here. After splitting up, they each encountered several monsters along the way, but that wasn't a problem for any of them.

These monsters all look like reptile.

'They spread out to protect the leader ? Very possible.'
*Child Emperor*

The deeper you go into the cave, the less air there is. He wondered if there were still survivors in here, would they still be alive ?

Zombieman: Hey, Child Emperor.

Zombieman called.

Child Emperor: Mr.Zombieman. You got anything ?
Zombieman: Yeah, I found the workers.

A total of 13 workers survived the mine attack. On the day of the incident, they tried to use the emergency exit, but the way up was blocked. Since the monsters weren't paying attention to this area, they stayed there, holding on with the little snacks they brought with them.

These people have been locked up here for two nights and a day. They are hungry and thirsty. Among them, four were seriously injured and one was in a coma.

Zombieman: I'll need help moving these guys up.
Child Emperor: I'm on my way. Miss [Y/n], Zombieman found the workers, did you find anything.
[Y/n]: ...*cough*...*cough*....Just a few monsters...*cough*....
Child Emperor: You don't sound good. Is there a problem ? Do you need help ?
[Y/n]: No...*cough* *cough*...I'm in a middle of a fight...*cough*...I'll call you...*cough*...

[Y/n] turns off her device.

[Y/n]: Now...*cough*...I have another reason to hate reptiles.

She spoke to the monster in front of her. It has the body of a lizard, but can walk on two legs and use two hands like a human. On its back there are many gems.

Compared to the monsters she had encountered on the way, this was the biggest one. After taking so many injuries from Kuro, it fled deep underground. And now she's following it, but she's running out of air.

Thanks to the help of the heroes, the victims got out of the mine safely.

'''Thank you ! Thank you so much !'''
'''You're a life savior !'''

The workers kept thanking the heroes. Zombieman looked around and realized they were missing one person.

Zombieman: [Y/n] still not out ?
Child Emperor: I tried to contact her, but she didn't pick up.

Zombieman lights a new cigarette.

Zombieman: I'll go find her.
Child Emperor: Wait, no, let me go find her. I can find her location through the device she is holding.
Zombieman: I need you here to watch over these people. Also, [Y/n] did say that she used the railway to go deeper underground. I just need to find that rail.

A worker overhears their conversation.

'''Wait ! Your friend used the railroad ?'''
Zombieman: Yeah, she did.
'''Oh my God ! That road leads directly to where the explosives are stored !'''

Those words made both of them jump.

'''We...we don't know. We only did what was asked...'''
Zombieman: I'm going back to find her.
Child Emperor: Wait, Zombieman ! At least...

Child Emperor wanted to tell him to bring more of the boy's self-defense tools, but he rushed into the mines without looking back.

The boy took the workers far away from the mine just in case.

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