23. Unforgettable

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The hero industry was baffled by Garou's antics.

The heroes are somewhat enraged. When they learned that S-class Tank Top Master and his team had all been defeated, they were a little hesitant to take on this hunter themselves.

The next day, at the Hero Association hospital.

[Y/n]: This hospital has a very distinct design.

[Y/n] took a picture of the hospital lobby with her camera.

Saitama waited for her to finish taking pictures, then the two of them went to the hospital room.

Saitama invited [Y/n] to go with him to the hospital since she didn't have a morning shift. When she found out who he was visiting, she declined, but then she felt that she should express concern for her coworkers.

They went to buy some fruit as a gift to visit the sick.

Many people spotted [Y/n] on the way to Saitama's friend's hospital room. They got to chatting about the presence of an S-class hero.

[Y/n]: I'm gonna visit Charanko first.
Saitama: Okay, let's go visit Charanko first then.
[Y/n]: No, I have something to say to him in private. I'll be there later.
Saitama: Oh, okay.

[Y/n] visited Charanko's room first.

[Y/n]: Charanko, are you awake ?
Charanko: Oh, hey there. Didn't think you would come.

Charanko was wrapped in bandages.

She stood there for a moment. Then, her cheeks puffed up from trying to hold back her laughter.

Charanko: DO NOT LAUGH !

She covered her mouth and tried to suppress the laughter.

[Y/n]: I'm sorry...haha...I mean...Here, have an apple. An apple a day keep the doctor away.

She placed three apples on the table beside his bed.

Charanko: I wasn't expecting you to pay me a visit. You don't appear to have a strong enough interest to come all the way here.
[Y/n]: I'm not here just to visit you. Sorry if that offended you.
Charanko: What else do you want ?
[Y/n]: I want to know more about Garou.

Charanko's expression immediately turned serious.

Charanko: What do you want to know about him ? His techniques ? His motive ?
[Y/n]: Since when did Garou join Bang's dojo ?

Charanko was aware that Garou had been a member of Bang's dojo since he was 15 years old. He was the master's top pupil.

Garou has outstanding strength and learning ability.

On one fine day, the boy lost his mind and attacked every other student of master Bang then ran away.

Charanko: I was lucky to escape that attack. He's always seemed a little off to me. My instincts were on the money.

Charanko's flashback

One year ago,

'''Hey Charanko, we're going to have a friendly match. Will you join this time ?'''

On occasion, Bang's students hold a friendly match to gauge everyone's skill. Charanko is one of the less talented and younger kids.

Charanko: N...no, I'll pass on this one.
'''Oh, c'mon !'''

The seniors always encouraged him, but he didn't have enough confidence.

Like always, everyone went to the back yard of the dojo.

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