28. A friend in need

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The price to pay for the one who underestimated the Tornado Of Terror was destruction.


Gyoro Gyoro requested Orochi's assistance a while ago, but because he didn't respond, Gyoro had to sent his eyeballs to find the monster king.

Orochi was already dead when he discovered him, though.

The monster king's body was torn to pieces.

'He's...dead !? Orochi ?! Orochi himself is dead ?! Who could have done this ???'

Gyoro explored the area around Orochi's body, suspecting that the killer was still around.

He spotted [Y/n] nearby.

'Baal ? Quite a surprise.'

Kuro smashed Gyoro's eyeball with both hands as if swatting a fly.

'A flying eyeball ? There sure are many weird things down here.'

She turned her gaze to the big monster's corpse.

'I guess this is Saitama's work. Wonder if he is nearby.'

She looked around, but saw no one else.

A minute later, King came out of a nearby room, and they continued their tour.

King and [Y/n]'s journey through the Monster Association HQ was very peaceful.

They came across a few monsters along the route, but their level of danger was insignificant.

Kuro was able to take them down easily.

King believes that [Y/n] is the reason he is safe, but his luck is actually what keeps him alive.

This underground structure shakes from time to time. Earlier it even leaked water.

'If this place falls apart, it will be a big problem.'

He could only hope [Y/n] would come up with something if that actually happened.

Neither of them knew where they were going. Well, they don't care about that anyway.

[Y/n]: Boy, this place stink.
King: Yeah, It's as if something had peed here. I really want this to end soon.
[Y/n]: Me too, pal. Ugh...I'm hungry.
King: You're hungry ? That's bad. How about we go get some ramen after we get out of here ? My treat.
[Y/n]: Really ? I wouldn't miss it for the world.

It's nothing more than a day trip. Both were feeling relaxed, not a care about what might be eyeing on them.

The light started to dim suddenly.

King felt something was off so he stood closer to [Y/n].

They watched as each light in the hallway were turned off one by one.

King: Wh...what is going on ?

He is shaking like a leaf.

They couldn't see anything once all of the lights in the corridor were turned off.

While it was pitch black, [Y/n] couldn't see or hear anything else other than King's voice, but she could feel something approaching. Kuro abruptly lifted the two and took off running.

King hugged Kuro tightly as if he was holding on to his dear life, while [Y/n] is still trying to figure out what is chasing them.

Kuro didn't stop until they got to where there were lights.

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