22. The prophecy

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They told Zombieman about their meeting.

Zombieman: Have you received the message from the association ?

[Y/n] and Sweet Mask checked their phones and discovered a summons was scheduled for tomorrow.

[Y/n]: I will be busy tomorrow, so I'm not coming. I've taken too much time off work.

Sweet Mask: Me neither. I have a concert tomorrow.

The two give each other a friendly smile.

No one expected that these two people with so little in common could have so much to talk about with each other.

Sweet Mask ought to be credited. Because of the experiences he has gained from his work as a celebrity, he is able to start a discussion and close the gap between two people in a really natural way.

They talked so passionately that they forgot that they weren't the only ones here

Zombieman's shoes bumped lightly against [Y/n]'s.

She looked across at Zombieman as soon as she realized this and saw him sipping his coffee peacefully. She assumed it was just an accident and carried on her conversation with Sweet Mask.

After talking for a while, she looked at her watch and realized it was late.

[Y/n]: It's late. I'm sorry, but I should be going home.

Sweet Mask: Too bad. Oh well, I had a good time. Thanks for talking to me.

Sweet Mask got to his feet and extended a hand for her to shake. [Y/n] grasped his hand without giving it much thought.

They give each other a friendly smile again.

They said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways, only Zombieman was still standing beside [Y/n]. He is quieter than usual.

There is some tension between the two of them.

[Y/n]: So...I will be going home now...
Zombieman: I'll walk you home.

Now they're walking home together on a crowded street.

Zombieman silently gripped [Y/n]'s hand while she was glancing around to make sure she wouldn't veer away from him. He didn't say anything and continued to look forward.

"I've only grown to love Zombieman after I read fanfics about him."
"He is such a sweetheart."

Memories of the old days.

When had she first heard these words ? She couldn't recall. She wasn't sure why she was remembering it right now all of a sudden.

She laughed off the topic when Yuri brought it up. But now she's dating her best friend's favorite character.

'Actually, Yuri has numerous favorite characters, and this guy is simply one of them. She has more waifus and husbando than I do.'

She looked at his broad back as she continue to walk behind him a little.

Only a few words were said back and forth between them.

Zombieman still glanced over at [Y/n] often, but her gaze was never on him, even when they were standing side by side.

He kept holding her hand as they exited the train.

They move through the ghost town's streets. At night, this place is incredibly quiet. There was only the two of them walking along this street.

After a while, she decided to voice her concern.

[Y/n]: I saw you with a girl today. Who is she ?

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