5. Step into the heroes world

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In less than eight hours, Child Emperor had found informations about the woman they were looking for.


Zombieman's phone rings. He opened his phone and found a message from Child Emperor. The boy sent him some words and a file.

'He's really good.'

He opened the file. The first page includes her photo, some personal information and social media accounts.

'Father, passed away, cause unknown. Mother, passed away, heart disease. Other relationships, unknown.'

There's no record of current residence. Unless she lived in the woods, or used a fake name, Child Emperor couldn't find information about her whereabouts.

Zombieman threw his phone on the sofa, went out to the balcony to enjoy his cigarette. He watched the neighborhood from his apartment balcony.

Zombieman: Looks like tomorrow will be another busy day.

At the same time, in Z city, a girl was also standing on the balcony, peacefully enjoying her cigarette. Her white hair fluttered lightly in the wind, along with smoke being blown out of her mouth.

The next day, Zombieman was standing in front of the restaurant where the girl worked when suddenly received a call from the hero association.

Zombieman: What is it ?
Sekingal: Mr.Zombieman, do you remember the girl you and the Child Emperor were investigating ?
Zombieman: Yes. Now I'm investigating at her workplace.
Sekingal: No need. We found her.

Sekingal said, sweating while looking at [Y/n] through the screen. The girl was put into a special examination room after reporting that she had supernatural powers, and now all the robots they have have been destroyed by her creature.

| This girl...how many of these can she make ? |

The test staff broke into a sweat when they saw the creatures running around in the special testing room.

An hour after the test, the three of them arranged to meet outside to see the results.

Genos: I got 100 points, certified as an S-rank hero. Hero has to be ranked ? What about you guys ?
[Y/n]: Hmmm....Sai ?
Saitama: I got...71 points....listed as a C-rank hero.

[Y/n] already knew this outcome so it wasn't surprising, but Genos was furious.

Genos: I'll go talk to the judge.
[Y/n]: I'm classified as an S-rank hero as well.

[Y/n] successfully caught Genos attention, while saving Saitama's honor.

They guessed that she got 100 points like Genos, but when he glanced at her certificate, there was no score.

Saitama: Hey, where's your points ?
[Y/n]: I don't know. They just interviewed me and told me I would be an S-rank hero.
Saitama: They interviewed you ?
Genos: Did they interview teacher ?
Saitama: Heck no.

An announcement on the loudspeaker calling the three of them to hall 6. They temporarily put everything aside to get to the requested place.

There were only four people in the room, including three who passed the exam and an A-rank hero, Sneck. He will be the one to inform them about the rules in the hero world.

Genos seems to take the lecture very seriously. Saitama was chewing gum while crossing his legs, not sure if he was paying attention to what Sneck was saying. [Y/n] is leaning back on the chair and trying to balance the chair with its hind legs.

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