29. What will be will be

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[Y/n] POV

On Yuri's last days on earth, she was unusually cheerful.

She laughed more, talked more.

Together, we did things that neither of us had ever attempted before. We went to a cosplay festival, we ate junk food throughout class, we also went to the mall to play all of the arcade games,...

We skipped school and boarded the train to the coast. We played in the water until our uniforms were completely soaked.

We did all the things that Yuri has always wanted to do.

It was wrong, but we didn't regret doing all of that.

We were happy.

We both had problems about ourselves, so I was relieved to see her so joyful. I thought she was getting better.

The night before she die, Yuri gave me a box and told me to wait until the next day to open it.

'How I wish I had opened it sooner.'

When I woke up the next morning, I opened the box to see a pile of her belongings.

It includes gifts that I have given her, and a few other things that she really likes.

I was too stupid to understand what the box meant.

I went to school as usual, just that day, I didn't see Yuri come to class. She also didn't reply to any of my messages.

I stopped by her house after school, to see if she was sick. I could hear crying coming from inside her house just by standing in front of it.

Even before they could tell me, I felt nauseous. My stomach was churning, and my skin was crawling.

'''The child jumped in the river ! They're still looking for her body !'''

Yuri's will contained merely an apology to her parents. She expressed her regret for not being able to repay her parents' sacrifices.

My best friend died at the age of 18. She died young and beautiful.

Everything happened so suddenly. Even I, who was closest to her, failed to recognize the signs.

On that day, my world fell apart.

We had promised to always be together, to reach out to a better life together, to always be there to help whenever the other person needs it.

"No matter what happen, I will protect you. I promise to always be with you."

In the end, I was all talk. I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't protect even one precious thing in my life.

I couldn't even shed a single tear at my friend's funeral.

How weird was that...

I became a completely different person after she passed away. As I changed, so did my life.

I hang out more, have more friends, and my studies improve. I always keep myself busy to forget about her.

I've lived like that for so long that I've forgotten who I really am.

I felt like I was going crazy.

Will the dead's spirit continue to watch over the living...? Yes, I believe so.

I always thought that Yuri was watching over me.

I figured I should live well so she wouldn't have to worry about me. It's also because I want to make her regret her decision to die so young.

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