10. The spaceship

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Little explanation to avoid confusion.

[Y/n]'s creatures are all named Kuro. In chapter eight, I explained that among the Kuros there is a special Kuro, the one who usually hides in
[Y/n]'s shadow. In order not to confuse the special one with the others, the other Kuros will have a ( ° ) next to the name.

In front of everyone in the room, Kuro showed off his martial arts. Kuro's martial arts were learned secretly from a master, so it wasn't perfect, but he found a way to fill that void.

After finishing his performance, Kuro stood as still as a statue.

Saitama, Genos and [Y/n] clapped their hands. The two old men beside them were silent.

Bomb: Although he only imitated me, he did well.
[Y/n]: He also learned some of Watchdogman's moves.
Bomb: Kinda amazing.

Bomb, the master of Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist.

Before Bang arranged for his brother and miss [Y/n] to meet at his dojo, the two had met once before.

[Y/n] once helped Bomb's disciples when they got into trouble in the city. In return, Bomb agreed to show her his martial arts, but he had no idea her true intentions when making that request.

Kuro also watched Bomb's performance at that time, in secret.

[Y/n]: I apologize for hiding this.
Bomb: It's fine. At least you didn't use it for bad things. You're a hero now, aren't you ? Do you want to perfect Kuro's martial arts ? I can show you.
[Y/n]: Really ? That would be great.
Bomb: We'll be in the other room. I'll let you continue your business with this two, Bang.
Bang: Okay, nii-chan.

Bomb led [Y/n] to the next room.

The martial arts that Bomb performed for her last time was only used to fight humans. Now he will teach her how to fight monsters.

Kuro watched intently.

'If this thing were human, I would definitely want to take it as my student.'

After just one look, Kuro was able to mimic Bomb's movements exactly. They decided to have a friendly match to test the level of this monster student, when suddenly...

Genos: Excuse me.

Genos went in.

Genos: The Hero Association is summoning the S class heroes. [Y/n], we need to go.
[Y/n]: Oh, then I guess we'll have to postpone this match.
Bomb: It's fine. You should hurry. I'll see you next time.

Together, they got into the car that drove to the association. In the car, [Y/n] kept staring at the driver from the back seat, and it scared him. She didn't mean anything bad, she was just thinking that this man had a nice beard.

As they walked through the steel doors leading into the headquarters, Atomic Samurai was the first to greet them.

Atomic Samurai: Silver Fang, I knew you'd come. Also cyborg Genos and...hm ? Some guy I don't know.
Bang: It's been a while, Atomic Samurai. This is Saitama, an outstanding B-Class hero who will soon make it to the top of S-Class, so it shouldn't be a problem to let him join us.
Saitama: So you're a hero, huh, old man ? Nice to meet you.

Saitama offered his hand, but Atomic Samurai brushed his hand away instead of shaking it.

Atomic Samurai: I won't shake hand with you. I only acknowledge the strong. I'll greet you when you've made it to S-Class. And I'm not an old man, I'm only 37.

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