19. A grand debut

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In Zombieman's report, [Y/n] has improved a lot, but her misguided and easily distracted flaws are still there. He takes his duties seriously and reports everything honestly.

Everyone already knows about these two dating rumors. They all secretly looked at Zombieman with a "I know it all" eyes.

After their first date, Zombieman had to leave on a private mission for a few days. They have only talked on the phone since then. They don't text, never. [Y/n] always responds late.

The first thing he does when he has free time is give [Y/n] a call.

[Y/n]: Yeah, I'm free...I'll be there right away. See you there.

She hung up and turned to the other two.

[Y/n]: I have a date so I'll leave first. Sai, can you help me bring this stuff home ?
Saitama: Okay. Have fun.
King: O...okay.

They met King by chance on the street just now. He ran away from the battle with the robot, now Genos is fighting in his stead. Saitama and [Y/n] followed him to his house.

On this day, they discovered King, the strongest man on the planet, was nothing more than a bum.

All his achievements are lies.

Even so, [Y/n] and Saitama decided not to expose King's lie. They became friends after this.

When she got to the cafe, Zombieman was already there.

[Y/n]: Zombie !

Zombieman smiled and waved to her.

They asked about each other's last few days, and then Zombieman moved on to talk about their next mission.

He questioned [Y/n] for never taking any calls or texts from the association. She also sometimes ignores Zombieman's calls, but not as often as with the association.

[Y/n] is a simple thinker. If she calls once and the recipient doesn't pick up, she won't call back, no matter how important what she has to say. She doesn't mind it, and she thinks others will be like her.

Zombieman: Not everyone thinks like you. If the association calls you, they definitely have something important to say. Please take this seriously !
[Y/n]: Okay, okay. I'll pay more attention from now on.

Actually, she read the message sent by the association this time, but pretended she hadn't. She couldn't tell Zombieman that she was annoyed by their request this time.

[Y/n]: Are we heroes or personal bodyguards ?

Their mission this time is to protect Mr. Sakamoto's family - a sponsor of the hero association.

Mr. Sakamoto had been planning a party at the ski resort a few months ago, the guests were all famous businessmen, including a few sponsors of the hero association. But since last week there were rumors of monsters appearing on that mountain.

The association sent two A-rank heroes there, but one has gone missing, the other has yet to find the monster.

The association decided to send [Y/n] along. Zombieman will follow to assist her and help find the missing hero's whereabouts.

She has no problem fighting monsters, but she doesn't understand why she has to protect these people.

Up until now, [Y/n] didn't feel like she was getting close to becoming a hero. Instead, she felt that this hero association was unreliable.

Zombieman: Our job is to destroy the monsters, coincidentally these people need our protection, that's all. Furthermore, isn't that what a hero is ? We protect the defenseless.

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