8. Hidden things

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Three days later...

Saitama: Your temperature has dropped.

Saitama said while looking at the thermometer.

After returning home three days ago, [Y/n] had a high fever. She tried to take care of herself but failed. When Genos went to her, he found out about her condition, and now they are both in [Y/n] apartment.

[Y/n]'s apartment is about the same size as Saitama's, but the design is different, and the way she arranges it makes it look larger and more lovely.

Genos is now in the kitchen making chicken soup, and Saitama is by her side to keep her company.

Saitama: Does your head still hurt ?

[Y/n] shook her head slightly while keeping her eyes closed.

Thanks to the dedicated care of the other two, her fever subsided very quickly.

Saitama: Just to be sure, you should still take another dose after eating.

Saitama gently stroked her forehead.

After eating the soup that Genos cooked and taking another dose of medicine, [Y/n] fell into a deep sleep. The two men remained in her apartment in case they were needed.

They turn on the TV and keep the volume to a minimum, just enough for people sitting nearby to hear.

Saitama: I was thinking we might have gone up in rank. You know anything about that ?
Genos: Yes, we have. I was ranked up from class S rank 18 to 17, [Y/n] went from class S rank 17 to 12, Metal Knight went up one rank too, from class S rank 7 to 6. And teacher, you jumped from class C rank 342 straight to rank 5.

Saitama is shocked to hear that he has jumped straight to rank 5.

Saitama: FROM RANK 342 TO 5 !? WHAT KIND...
Genos: Teacher ! Shhh !

Genos gestured to Saitama. They looked towards [Y/n]. She's still sound asleep.

Saitama lowered his voice.

Saitama: What kind of jump is that ? Isn't that like...crazy ?
Genos: No. Considering what you did, it wouldn't have been surprising if you had been directly promoted to class A or S. It was a crisis classified with the level Dragon after all. But the hero association assumed that Metal Knight, me and [Y/n] played a big role on it.
Saitama: Yeah, [Y/n] did a great job. It would have been a big mess without her help.

Saitama knows well that [Y/n] didn't do it for this city or its people, she did it for him. His sister is as selfish as ever, but the fact that she still cares about him shows that there is still hope in her.

[Y/n]: ... ....Yuri...

[Y/n] POV

I had a dream.

In my dream, I was reunited with the person I had always missed.

[Y/n]: Yuri ?
Yuri: [Y/n] !

Yuri ran over and grabbed my hand.

Yuri: Let's hurry ! We're gonna be late for class !

Only now did I notice that I was wearing my school uniform. The place I was standing was the school hallway in my old world.

My memory is hazy, and I can't remember where I was before coming here.

When entering the classroom, a boy pointed at me.

'''Hey ! It's [Y/n] ! I saw her being beaten by her mother this morning.'''

Other classmates also joined in.

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