6. Keeping an eye on

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"Could it be from the police ? Can the police beat monsters too ?" she thought. [Y/n] wondered if she should go back and check if anyone else was trapped in there.

Zombieman: Ugh...! What a pain in the ass.

From the pile of rubble, a tall figure emerged. The man was pale-skinned and very muscular. He saw [Y/n] standing nearby, and [Y/n] was also looking at him.

Her line of sight shifted downwards. She covered her eyes in panic.

[Y/n]: ARGGHHH !!! MY EYES !!!!

He was complete naked.

It was a normal situation for Zombieman to be seen naked by civilian, bit it was strange that someone other than him was in the building at this point, so he paused for a moment to figure out who it was. He immediately recognized this woman.

Zombieman: Hey, you're th...
[Y/n]: PERVERT !

Her face turned red after seeing something she shouldn't have. She threw the gun in his face and ran outside.

When she saw that the man was not chasing her, she slowed down and walked normally.

'Ugh...what a day...'

She thought it was the first and last time she would see that pervert. Four days after that incident, the hero association called her for her first mission, and she met the man again.

'''Miss [Y/n], this is Zombieman, Class S rank 8 hero, your partner in today's mission. Mr. Zombieman, this is [Y/n], the new S-rank hero. She will be in your care.'''

[Y/n] broke out in a cold sweat.

The man took the cigarette out of his mouth. He grinned, and offered to shake hands with her.

Zombieman: Nice to see you again. I'm Zombieman.

He said "again". She understood that he recognized her when they met in the supermarket, when he was naked, and when she called him a pervert.

In the series, Zombieman has very few appearances, he is outclassed by the main characters, and he also doesn't have a close relationship with the characters she likes, so [Y/n] never notices him.

If she had known, she wouldn't have acted like that.

[Y/n]: N...nice to meet you...

They shook hands in a friendly manner. But then, [Y/n] realized something and turned to the association's assistant.

[Y/n]: Wait ! I need a partner ? I thought Class S usually work independently ?
'''That's right. But considering your attitude to the job, the association has decided to send someone along to keep an eye on you. And moreover, in the report, you said that your orientation is poor and you often get lost. So he will be there to help you with that.'''
'Shit. I shouldn't have mentioned that.'
[Y/n]: So he will always be with me ?
'''Only for a short time. At least until Mr.Zombieman confirms you can work alone.'''

Although she wanted to refuse this offer, she couldn't deny that she needed help with the way.

[Y/n]: Well then, I'll be in your care from now on.

[Y/n]'s facial expression changed in an instant. She smiled brightly.

The association sends [Y/n] and Zombieman to the outskirts of city Y, where they believe there is a monster lair.

The one who was supposed to be sent to keep an eye on [Y/n] was originally Tatsumaki, but the hero was annoyed when she was asked to take care of a rookie. Zombieman appeared out of nowhere and accepted the request.

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