13. Haunted (part1)

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In a dark room at the headquarters of the hero association, senior officials are flipping through superhero reports, discussing recent events.

After going through the cities' reports, they moved on to Zombieman's reports. The first report is about the news of a monster's lair, the second report is about [Y/n].

In the report, he writes that [Y/n] is very good at handling situations and has no problem with strong enemies, however she has a bad habit of being easily distracted and never answering the phone.

She always had that damn camera with her and was always running around looking for something good to shoot.

After some discussion, they decided to keep the two of them working together so that Zombieman could continue to train her.

Zombieman and [Y/n] have been partners for quite some time. Every time [Y/n] goes on a mission, Zombieman is always with her, so they have more opportunities to talk and get to know each other. Now they are close to each other to a certain extent.

On free afternoons, [Y/n] will invite Zombieman to the cafe to talk.

[Y/n]: I really want to have a small animal, like a dog, a cat, a hamster, something cute, but animals are afraid of me because they sense Kuro. I can take Kuro back with the others, but I'll lose my defense.

She explained to Zombieman so he could understand why the dogs were scared when they saw her just now.

Zombieman: I think just a moment won't hurt.
[Y/n]: The last time I did that didn't work out well.

They were sitting in a coffee shop that [Y/n] had just found, watching the flow of people on the street.

Zombieman ordered a black coffee, and [Y/n] ordered a Latte. She was a bit shocked to see him put 7 sugar cubes in his coffee.

"If you want a sweet drink, you can order coffee with milk." was what she thought.

Ever since he'd heard [Y/n]'s confession that day at the lake, he'd stopped doubting her. He realizes she's not evil, she's just been through something bad and it's made her this way.

Maybe the thing that made her change was related to that person named Yuri. It must have been someone very important to her, to the point that when she had hallucinations, it was the first person she saw.

It was possible that they were attacked by monsters, and the two tried to save each other.

Furthermore, [Y/n] is modest, unlike other S-class heroes, so he has no problem having her around.

Zombieman: Your phone is flashing.

He pointed to her handbag. They could see the blinking light coming from the mouth of the bag. After checking the caller, she turned it off, put it on silent and put it back in her bag.

Zombieman: Who was it ?
[Y/n]: It's Sweet Mask.
Zombieman: You don't like him ?
[Y/n]: Well...celebrities are quite troublesome. I don't want to attract attention so I want to stay away from him.

He called a lot and texted a lot to ask her out. [Y/n] usually ignores his texts, and if she does reply, she always has a reason to say no, and always chooses when he's busy to ask him out. She purposely avoids him but can make it seem like everything is just a coincidence.

After he learned of her bad habit of never checking her phone, incoming calls and texts were reduced.

She knows she won't be able to hide from him for the rest of her life and will have to see him again one day.

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