25. Those who work in the dark

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A monster stood on the roof of a house, its gaze locked on the girl walking down the street.

A stunning young lady with smooth hair, fair skin, and a hot figure. These factors increased the monster's interest in the girl's taste.

It was unable to wait much longer.

It extended its long, drool-covered tongue as it lunged toward the girl.

But then, another creature with razor-sharp fangs charged at it right away.

That black monster swung his fists at the other monster. He then stabs the enemy's head with his strong claws and pulls out the enemy's brain.

The monster's blood and corpse scattered on the ground.

The street is now quiet.

[Y/n]: In 5m, turn left...

[Y/n] examined the online map that the association sent her. Her location as well as the locations of the nearby monsters are shown on the map.

'Hmm...but it seems that if I go this way, I will be able to get there faster. Should I...? Oh well, I need to trust my gut.'

Up until now, two Demon-class monsters, four Wolf-class monsters, and one Tiger-class monsters had been eliminated by her.

Her ability astounded the other lower rank heroes. They'd never seen anyone who wasn't paying attention to the battle and still managed to take down their target.

Her creatures took up battling and protecting others while she stood on the sidelines.

[Y/n]: Now I should make a right...wait, am I supposed to go a little further...?

[Y/n] got lost after taking the path she thought would bring her there faster.

While searching for her way, she came across a half-destroyed shopping mall. She was about to pass by when she noticed the makeup shop inside.

[Y/n] was taken aback when she saw it.

[Y/n]: Ch...Chanel...!?

She's thinking about something terribly wrong.

It's wrong, but it's not every day you get to shop for free.

This temptation is far too strong. She was fighting it, but she could feel her reason giving up.

'No ! Snap out of it, [Y/n] !'

She slapped herself awake and tried to look the other way.

[Y/n]: I am are beautiful ! I am are stunning ! I am gorgeous even without makeup ! I don't need makeup ! I do NOT need makeup ! I AM DEADLY GORGEOUS !

Despite her best efforts to remind herself, [Y/n] couldn't help but return her gaze to the makeup counter, but Kuro was quick to cover her eyes.

Now she can only see Kuro's black hand.

[Y/n]: ... ..Thanks, bud.

That was close.

[Y/n]: You don't need makeup, you are already beautiful ! You don't need makeup, you are already beautiful,...

[Y/n] kept repeating those phrases as she walked away from that tempting place.

Only after leaving that area could she breathe a sigh of relief.

'I should listen to Google this time.'

The ground where she was standing shook as she paused to examine the map.

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