18. First date

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Saturday came and Zombieman came to [Y/n]'s apartment to pick her up. They went to Y City for their first date.

The amusement park is the first location.

Zombieman has no experience with this so he's a bit awkward, while [Y/n] is very comfortable.

[Y/n]: What should we play first ? Any ideas ?

She said as she looked at the map of the amusement park.

Zombieman: I'm fine with everything.
[Y/n]: Then the decision will be mine. Let's play some thrilling games first. Hmmm, the UFO ferris wheel, it's the closest to us.

He was worried that this would make it difficult for them to interact with each other like before, but seeing [Y/n] as cheerful as ever, he felt much more relieved.

Everyone who passed them turned their heads to look back. They recognize Zombieman, but they don't recognize [Y/n].

There were children who wanted to ask for Zombieman's autograph, but they sensed something scary about [Y/n] and didn't dare approach them.

'''Are they a couple ?'''

The two don't seem to be compatible at all. The man looked gloomy and lifeless, and the girl looked like a high school girl.

Letting [Y/n] lead the way was a mistake. Even though there were clear signs on the road, she still led them astray. When Zombieman led the way, she was so distracted by the things around that they almost lost each other. But thanks to that, he had a reason to hold her hand.

After trying all the thrills at the amusement park, the two bought snacks and moved on to the next game. Zombieman isn't a fan of sweets, but he still ate it because [Y/n] insisted.

[Y/n]: There's also a mirror house here, behind the haunted house. What is this place ? 3D theater ?
Zombieman: ....
[Y/n]: Oh, there is also a place for us to feed crocodile. Let's go there.
'How long are they going to follow us ?'

Zombieman is the association's best detective. He has a talent for stalking others, and can also tell when he's being stalked.

Behind them, not far away, Saitama, Genos, and Toshiaki (why is this dude here ???) were posing as tourists. These guys want to make sure nothing bad happens on their first date.

'Looks like they're a bit awkward since it's their first date.'
Genos: They're holding hands again. Will they kiss this time, teacher ?
Saitama: Not so fast !

Before ending their outing, the two decided to go for a ride on the giant ferris wheel. This is Zombieman's idea. He had read online that every girl loves to watch the sunset while sitting on the giant ferris wheel.

'GREAT JOB, YOUNG MAN ! This is a great way to end an outing !'

Toshiaki sat at a nearby snack bar, using binoculars to keep an eye on them.

Watching the sunset from above is really great. It's not that [Y/n] hasn't seen it at this height before, it's just that having someone other than Saitama watch it with her makes her feel weird.

'Come to think of it...it was always at sunset.'

At the last moment of her life, the sky took on a beautiful sunset color. During her last meeting with that hero, when he...

"That is also hypocrisy !"

[Y/n]: ....

....it was also at sunset.

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