20. A false God

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It was late, and there were many rooms with lights off. People don't go out because it's cold especially at night.

Zombieman: What are you doing out here at this hour ?

[Y/n] is still outside, using her camera to capture the starry sky.

[Y/n]: Don't you think it's beautiful ?

The night sky, sparkling with countless mysterious stars, makes your heart stop beating at the mysterious charm.

Those shining points of light is twinkling and glittering against the dark expanse of the heavens.

She originally intended to return to her room after taking the photo, but she was captivated by this beauty and couldn't leave. She has never seen this many stars in the city.

[Y/n]: Stay here and watch it with me, just a little longer.

It was a calm smile as usual, but the feeling was different this time. He guessed it was the effect of the night sky.

They stood there watching without saying a word. Zombieman didn't realize he had been swept away by this view too and continued to stand there, until [Y/n] sneezed.

Zombieman: We should get inside. You might catch a cold.

He put her hat back on and adjusted her scarf. Her face was already red from the cold.

[Y/n] wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on his chest.

[Y/n]: There's nothing a warm hug can't solve.

He chuckles. Zombieman lowered his head and placed a kiss on her forehead, then he rested his forehead against hers.

Zombieman: Can I kiss you ?

Thinking about their first kiss, it wasn't a good memory, because Zombieman was drunk at the time. But thanks to that, they got where they are today.

Thinking about her first kiss, it didn't feel great. In fact, it was extremely boring. She regretted it as soon as she did it.

She guessed the reason was because she didn't love the man. Then what about Zombieman ? How would it feel to kiss him ?

Will it be boring ? Will she regret it ?

No, the question is: does she love him ? Even a little bit ?

[Y/n]: You don't need permission for that.

He didn't say anything back, just smiled.

One of his hands wrapped around her waist, the other touched her cheek. The moment their lips touched, [Y/n] suddenly felt something welling up in her chest.

It was the kind of feeling she had never had before. It was strange, but she didn't want it to stop.

As for Zombieman, his body was heating up. He was a little nervous, but more excited. He couldn't help but go for a deep kiss.

She felt a little uneasy so she tried to back away. He hugged her tighter, his other hand wrapped tightly in her hair.

It wasn't until [Y/n] moaned into his mouth that he stopped.

Zombieman: Sorry, I got head of myself.

She feels like all her strength has been drained. It felt so new, and she didn't hate it.

'Does that mean I like him ?'

Emotions are a weakness, and "love" is a fatal weakness.

[Y/n] only wants to be close to the strong, because the strong won't die easily.

How long will the man in front of her live ? He is a lab product, when is his expiry date ?

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