26. The beauty of evil

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Another new day has arrived.

[Y/n]'s apartment is no longer occupied. Her belongings have all been removed, leaving only her scent.

Genos carried the last box into the truck.

Genos: That's all your stuff, right ?
[Y/n]: That's all. Thanks for helping me, little one.

[Y/n] went to the hero association's HQ to find a new place to stay yesterday.

Fortunately for her, the organization immediately arranged for her to relocate into an apartment that suited her preferences.

The advantages that S-rank heroes enjoy...

Genos: Why did you suddenly want to move ?
[Y/n]: I want to move to a place with a bigger kitchen.
Genos: A bigger kitchen ?

She dropped the cigarette in her hand on the ground and stomped on it.

[Y/n] slung her arm around Genos' shoulder.

[Y/n]: I need your help with one more thing. My boss just called and I need to leave right now, therefore I need your assistance transferring all of my belongings to my new apartment. I can only rely on you on this one, little one. I don't want anyone else to accidently damage my belongings. Could you please help me with this ?

Genos' sense of responsibility awoke the moment he heard [Y/n]'s express that she could only depend on him.

Genos is happy to help [Y/n] with anything because he considers her to be his big sister and a family member. And [Y/n] is well aware of this.

She knows that Genos won't turn down her requests.

Genos: I will make sure all your belongings are delivered to your apartment safely.

The fire of determination burned in his eyes.

[Y/n]: Aww, thank you.

She rubbed his head.

Genos accompanied the delivery man as they took her stuffs to the her new apartment at the hero association HQ.

The smile on [Y/n]'s lips vanished the moment she saw the truck was far away.

Her expression has darkened.

[Y/n]: Now let's get down to business.

All living things exist within certain limits.

If one overdoes it, one's very own power will just damage oneself, or else one's own self may be lost, and what will be left is a rampaging beast like the monster.

The monsters come from an explosion of frustration. Humans who can get no satisfaction, who lust for a total transformation, do so out of psychological issues, or attachment to vices.

It happens when the environment where they're raised, or some other factor, triggers an altered cellular state, changing them all of a sudden.

There are also those induced artificially by scientific means.

We've seen the changes be triggered on other species by environmental pollution and the like.

To become a monster is to be reborn as another kind of living being. Buy, like all other living beings, there are still limits they're subject to.

in a broad sense, we also use the word "monster" to describe beings like the seafolk who attacked J-city, or the aliens who came to A-city.

However, those beings are already born like that. They're just intelligent species, like human. Human natural enemies, one might say.

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