4. Selfish and Indifferent

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| Terrorist identifying themself as the paradiser continue to terrorize city F. They have seriously injured several heroes, and the situation remains out of control... |

| ...According to a rambling message the group sent to the TV station, they will continue their onslaught. Until the establishment of a world where not working isn't a crime, and everyone is provided with food, shelter and clothing.... |

[Y/n]: That's very considering but what the fuck ?

The original plot has been and is progressing very smoothly. When the news reported on the terrorists, [Y/n] could guess that Saitama wouldn't let it go.

She went back to reading the camera manual. Taking advantage of the afternoon without a work schedule,
[Y/n] wanted to test out the camera Genos gave her.

After knowing the price of this thing, [Y/n] also wondered whether to use it or just display it. If it is damaged, the repair cost will be very expensive.

'I will protect you with all my might, honey.'

She happily boarded the train to City D. She excitedly looked at the camera in her hand, thinking about where to go next to take pictures. However, the first thing [Y/n] did after getting off the train station was to go to the supermarket to attend the special sale.

[Y/n] did a lot of research before coming here. During this time, the price of meat will be reduced by 50%, the price of vegetables will be reduced by 30%, and customers will also receive coupon for each thing they buy.

'Beef is on sale. I'll buy some more for Saitama.'

In a short time, [Y/n]'s shopping cart was full. This was enough for her not to need to go to the market for another week, or maybe more.

| Mom, look. This sister's shadow is darker than ours. |

When she heard someone mention the shadow, [Y/n] knew they were talking about her. She turned her gaze to the child standing at the counter behind her. That child showed fear when she saw her.

| Sweetie, don't point at people like that. That's rude. |

Luckily, the girl's mother didn't pay attention to what her daughter said because she was too busy choosing food.

If someone knew that a monster was hiding in her shadow, they would panic.

[Y/n]'s actual physical strength was even worse than that of a Class C hero, but the monster she created, now called Kuro, was able to defeat a Demon-class disaster. [Y/n] usually doesn't react in time to sudden danger, so Kuro is kept close at all times. By hiding in her shadow, Kuro can rush to protect its owner at any time without having to be called out. Because of that, [Y/n]'s shadow was twice as dark as normal people's.

Sometimes this would attract attention, but no one cared enough to go to her to ask her why it was so.

If [Y/n] had to mention the issue that bothered her the most....

'Children have sharp intuition. Animals too.'

There are babies who will cry immediately upon seeing her. Animals, even the most dangerous ones, stayed away from her.

They sensed something evil from
[Y/n], something out of this world, so instinctively they would run away.

'That's sad. I really want a dog.'

[Y/n] brought her two packages out of the supermarket. On the way back to the station, she stopped halfway. She encountered a beautiful scene.

The sun was setting. That orange-yellow light was reflecting on the skyscrapers. It looks magical. So she pointed her camera to the sky, carefully aligning it before taking the shot.

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