17. My favourite

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In the room with all sides of steel, the only light was the light from the computer screen and the light from the machines. The screen showed strange characters, the machines were carefully putting together the test samples.

Remember the alien spaceship that was taken by Metal Knight ? In addition to alien technology devices, he also found valuable antiques.

Among the antiques, there is something different. While the others looked grandiose, this one looked very simple, nothing more than an ordinary rock, but more carefully preserved than the others.

'It has three layers of protection so the text on it won't fade.'

It was an ancient stone, the one that [Y/n] threw away because the writing on it was too bad.

The language inscribed on it was alien, so he spent a lot of time studying it. Based on the documents obtained from the UFO, he managed to find half of the meaning.

Bofoy: The child...favored by...God...

And not sure if this half is correct.

Everyone got drunk and got noisier. When they all fell asleep in the party room, the staff wanted to take them back to their rooms, but they had some problems.

Some heroes, like Atomic Samurai, Bang, Flashy Flash, Puri Puri Prisoner, have very sharp senses, and even when they are asleep, they can still feel the movements around them. If someone touched these people, their self-defense instincts would immediately react.

They had to ask [Y/n] for help. Luckily she hasn't gone to sleep yet. After taking all the heroes back to their rooms, she stood in the corridor to get some fresh air.

"If you have trouble loving yourself, why not try to love someone. Maybe by loving and caring for someone, you'll automatically be more attentive to yourself. It always works in manga."

Saitama's words were still ringing in her head.

'How can I love someone when I can't even love myself ?'

Speaking of what [Y/n] is best at, it's pretending. She could make her play so real that even she thought it was real, and at the end of the day, she would laugh at her lies.

"How can this help me ?" is something she always asks Saitama whenever he has an idea for her. So far, none of his ideas have yielded good results.

Saitama is trying very hard to help her, but his efforts cannot cure her completely. Not only that, even though she didn't want to, [Y/n] couldn't help but feel guilty for making him worry. She tried to pretend she was fine, but she could never get past Saitama's eyes.

Zombieman: [Y/n] ?

From the dark corner, Zombieman came out.

[Y/n]: Zombieman ! What are you doing out here ?

From the way he walked, she knew he was still drunk. Maybe he's in a half-awake state right now.

He frowned, rubbing his forehead with one hand.

[Y/n]: Dude, you alright ?

He was a little wobbly, so she decided to be a good person and catch him. However, her frail body could not support the weight of a man, so she had to carefully sit him down.

[Y/n]: Hey ! Earth speak to Zombieman ! Look at me ! Do you know who I am ?

She lifted Zombieman's face so he could look her straight in the eye. It took a while for him to answer.

Zombieman: [Y/n]...
[Y/n]: So you are still conscious. Good. Where is your room ? Kuro will take you back.

She raised her head to look in the direction he had come from, guessing that his room was somewhere nearby. Zombieman stood up on his knees, looking down at her. His hands cupped her cheeks.

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