14. Haunted (part2)

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[Y/n]: Zombieman ! Zombieman ! Wake up ! Wake up ! Zombie !

She shook him while patting his cheek.

Her panicked face was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. He rubs his eyes with his hand.

Zombieman: What is it ?
[Y/n]: There's someone on the balcony.

Zombieman looked towards the balcony door. He carefully walked over and pulled back the curtain, but there was no one outside.

Just to be sure, he checked outside, but there wasn't a single person, nor was there any sign that someone had climbed up here.

Zombieman: There's no one.

[Y/n]'s face is paled. She's wrapping Zombieman's blanket around her, glaring at the balcony.

[Y/n]: I definitely saw a woman out there.
Zombieman: A woman ?
[Y/n]: Kuro kept tickling my leg so I woke up. When I woke up, I saw the figure of a woman behind the curtain.

Her body trembled even more, tears began to flow down those rosy cheeks.

Zombieman: Hey ! Hey, come on now, don't cry.

Zombieman was a bit flustered seeing her cry for the first time. He hastily wiped away her tears with his bare hands, but didn't know what to say to stop her sobbing.

Thanks to Zombieman's comfort, [Y/n] quickly calmed down and stopped crying, but she was still shaking.

Zombieman: Do you need anything ? If you want, I can talk until you fall asleep again.
[Y/n]: C...can I...sleep with you ?

That question sent his brain flying into space. He was about to refuse, but when he saw her constantly glancing back and forth in worry, that thought didn't come out of his mouth.

Zombieman: Lie down, I'll put you to sleep.

Zombieman lay on his back, occasionally rolling his eyes to the balcony and then looking at his partner lying next to him. She was lying on her stomach, facing the other side.

He put a hand on her back to reassure her that he was still by her side. Both of them fell back to sleep.

Zombieman is awakened once again, but this time by sunlight. He was about to put his hand up to rub his eyes when he felt something pressing down on them. He opened his eyes to get a better look, to find [Y/n] resting her head on his arm, her face pressed against his chest.

His body seemed to have turned to stone when he saw this scene.

[Y/n] is a heavy sleeper so she didn't realize Zombieman had gotten out of bed, and also because Zombieman tried to make it as quiet as possible.

He went out to check the balcony again for traces, but nothing was found. He believed that [Y/n] wasn't too scared to imagine it. Holding Kuro back did make things a little less easy.

At exactly 7 a.m, [Y/n]'s alarm rang. Not just one but many alarms. She wakes up, turns off the alarm, then goes back to sleep, over and over again. By the sixth alarm, Zombieman couldn't take it anymore and woke her up on his own.

Zombieman: How many alarms do you normally have to set to wake up ?
[Y/n]: About 8 or 10 alarms. I often have trouble getting up early.
Zombieman: They will bring breakfast here soon, you should go get changed.

She stretched and looked back at the bed she had just laid on. When she remembered what had happened yesterday, she was extremely embarrassed, but it happened and regretting it wouldn't change anything.

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