27. Love is blind

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The sun had set, and everyone had returned to their houses.

No one dared to go out at night, especially when monsters were on the loose.

The night breeze is bitterly cold.

To keep the area safe, a few heroes, mostly Class C, volunteered to go on night patrols.

There wasn't a single star in the dark sky, but there was a sight of something flapping its wings to fly away.

Studless: This is Studless. I just saw something huge flying in the sky. I need help.

A hero discovered it.

He alerted the others and then made an effort to move as fast as possible towards the direction the bird had flown.

The bird flew down to a vacant lot of M-city.

The moment it touched the ground, the bird disintegrated like smoke, revealing [Y/n] within.

She didn't move as she stared at the bloody puddle at her feet.

Her heart tightened.

[Y/n]: This is why I told you to go home.

Garou is lying on the puddle of his own blood, unconscious.

It was a miracle that Garou was still alive after losing this much blood; a regular person would most certainly have died.

She frowned, trying to suppress her emotions, but failed. A tear slid down her rosy cheek.

"I'm sorry for have called you a murderer."

She turned his body over and wiped away the blood on his face.

[Y/n]: Idiot... I have never blamed you... for what happened.

His body was cold.

Black smoke came out from [Y/n]'s body and flowed into Garou's body through his mouth.

'I'll help you just this once.'

Garou's wound was being sealed by the black smoke, which stopped the bleeding.

A gunshot caught her attention.

[Y/n] looked around, but couldn't find the source of the noise.

The only thing she could think of was getting out of here as soon as possible. She can't let them know Garou is here, whether it's a monster or a human.

There's a kid in need of Garou's help, so she won't interfere this time.

[Y/n] slowed down after leaving the area, as if she was going for a walk.

Studless: Miss Baal !

She turned to face the C-class hero and noticed the rifle in his hand.

His stood up straight, and his cheeks were somewhat flushed. He appeared to be excited to see her.

[Y/n]: You are...?
Studless: I am Studless, C-class hero ! I'm on patrol around this neighborhood.
[Y/n]: Oh my, you work this late at night ? How admirable.
Studless: Thank you, miss !
[Y/n]: I just went to deal with some monsters, and now I'm lost. Can you help me find the way to the station ?
Studless: It would be my honor. This way, please.

Just like that, she successfully stopped him from approaching the vacant lot.

They talked the whole way. The most of it is on Studless's journey to becoming a hero, with some discussion of other heroes.

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