OPM Talk Show

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Just to let you know that I'm still alive and still continuing this story.

After taking note of readers' opinions, I decided to add side stories to entertain you while waiting for the next chapter. Side stories will still be posted here, but the main story line will be posted in other platforms.








Mc: Hello everyone, I'm your Mc for today. Thank you for attending my talk show ! Today we're joined by your favorite heroes, including: Caped Baldy, Demon Cyborg, Zombieman, Sweet Mask, and the Hero Hunter! Now let's start with...

Dramatic drumbeat

Mc: The strongest man alive, Caped Baldy !!!
Saitama: Please just call me Saitama.
Mc: I understand. Please tell us, Mr.Saitama, What was your motivation for saving Y/n?
Saitama: It was the right thing to do. I'm a hero, it's my job to protect everyone.
Mc: Yes, that's true, but you even go that far to let her stayed at your apartment and took care of her even though you were always short on money. What made you came up with that decision?
Saitama: About that.......you might think that I'm crazy but...I felt like I was hypnotized at that time.
Mc: Can you explain in more details?
Saitama: Saving her was my idea, but after hearing her story, I didn't know why I suddenly got the urge to protect her. I want to protect a lot of people but it was different with Y/n. I felt like...I couldn't leave her, and that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I left her alone. I still don't know what was going through my mind at that time, but I don't regret having done all of that.
Mc: Do you still feel that way up until now? Do you still have the feeling that you're being hypnotized?
Saitama: No, it only occurred once. Later, we spent a lot of time together so I became attached to her. She's like a sister to me now.
Mc: That's very sweet of you, Mr.Saitama. Now can you please share your thoughts about Zombieman, your sister's current boyfriend?
Saitama: He looks like a good guy. I don't like the fact that he's a smoker, though. That thing is nasty.
Mc: But Y/n is also a smoker.
Saitama: Yes, so I hope the person she loves can help her quit that bad habit, but I guess can't have everything I want.
Mc: So you still trust him with Y/n?
Saitama: That's true, but if he breaks her heart, I hope he is ready for his flight to the next life.
Mc: What?
Saitama: Nothing.
Mc: Oh, okay... That's all I want to ask you. Thank you for your time.

Mc: We'll move on to our next guest, Demon Cyborg!!!
Genos: Thank you for inviting me.
Mc: So, Mr.Demon Cyborg, can you share your thoughts about Y/n with us?
Genos: Y/n is like an older sister to me. She helped me become Saitama-sensei's disciple, took care of me and taught me a lot of things, so I owe her. I respect her and am willing to do anything to help and protect her.
Saitama and Y/n in the background
Saitama: He forgot the part where he bribed you with that camera.
Y/n: Oh shut up
Mc: There are a lot of people who think you and Y/n are dating. How do you feel about this rumor?
Genos: I don't know where they even get the idea from. Like I said, Y/n is like a sister to me, I respect her and want to protect her. There's nothing wrong with taking care of your family.
Mc: I think it was probably the interaction between you two that caused those misunderstandings.
Genos: Those people should mind their own business. We are heroes. Our job is to save people, not create scandals for everyone to discuss. If you want scandals, you can look for Sweet Mask.
Sweet Mask: Excuse me?
Mc: Uh...Haha, Mr.Demon Cyborg had such a... great sense of humour. Thank you for your time.
Genos: It was nice talking to you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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