16. Relax

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At 6:30 pm, the Honeybun cafe closes. The staff said goodbye to each other and then went their separate ways. Toshiaki and [Y/n] go to the supermarket together before going to the station.

Toshiaki: [Y/n], look ! Pork tongue is 30 percent off !
[Y/n]: Wow ! Nice one !

Everyone who looked at them thought they were a couple. They look so cute together. It's true that [Y/n] and Toshiaki are very close, but they can never become lovers, because...

Toshiaki: That guy is so cute !

Toshiaki hid behind [Y/n], trying to hide his red face when he saw the guy standing at the vegetable stall.

[Y/n]: Damn, you're quick. He's cute.
Toshiaki: Told ya.

Toshiaki tends to like men. He has a second social account, and up there, he lives like a girl. Other colleagues don't know this. They just think he's cute, that's all.

Once while secretly using his second account, he was caught by [Y/n]. He was afraid that she would tell everyone, however, she didn't show any disgust at him. "Are you a top or a bot ?" was her first question.

After that incident, they became closer. [Y/n] is very supportive of his sexual orientation.

Toshiaki: You're going to the hot spring tomorrow with your co-worker from the hero association, right ? I was wondering if...Atomic Samurai will be there ?
[Y/n]: Yeah, he will. Do you want his autograph ?

Toshiaki's face turned even redder as he got excited. He likes middle aged men too.

[Y/n]: Bwuahahaha ! Alright ! Alright ! I'll get his autograph for you.

Honestly, they look more like a pair of siblings.

One great thing about living in a ghost town, you never feel alone, because there will always be something watching you from somewhere.

Meeting monsters on the way home soon became a routine. Today too, they encountered more than one monster. After dealing with them, [Y/n] intends to call Genos, asking him to come burn this mess, that's when she encounters another monster.

Black Sperm: What is this ? Mistcreep is dead already ?

She recognized this little monster from the first second she saw him. He is one of the strongest monsters of the monster association. Another reason she remembered him was because his name sounded funny.

'Little Sperm...was it ?'
Black Sperm: You did this ? Are you a hero ?

He asked, looking over at her.

[Y/n]: S-Class hero, [Y/n]. Nice to meet you.
Black Sperm: Never heard of you.
[Y/n]: Eh ?
Black Sperm: Mistcreep is about to become a dragon-level disaster, but I guess it's still too early for him to take on an S class. Since I have come this far, why don't we have a little test ?

He sneered.

Kuro attacked first, cutting the black sperm into pieces with his claws.

Black Sperm: What is this ? A monster? But it's protecting a human ?

From the cut pieces formed a new Black Sperm. In just a few seconds, there were more than ten Black Sperm.

Black Sperm: It's useless. Cut, slice, and tear me apart all you want. You can even hit, smash, and twist me, but I'll keep on multiplying. I'm an aggregation of an infinite number of myself.
[Y/n]: Hmm. Sounds kinda like my power, too.

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