Chapter 1

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Looking into the sky's, the stars shined brighter than usual. With the Tokyo skyline in the distance it was a beautiful sight. Even though he sat there on the top of a hill outside of Tokyo, his piece was not long lasting. A ringing brought him out of his gaze. Looking at his ringing phone, he sight to himself. It was his mother calling him for the fifth time tonight. Shaking his head and giving in to temptation, he answered the call.

"Yes mother, what is the urgency that you are calling me the fifth time in only 10 minutes." He asked, putting her on loud so he doesn't have to hold the phone against his ear.

"Where in the world are you?! Your car is gone and I have no sign of life from you! The only thing you left was a letter with the writing on it 'I'll be back later tonight'." His mother shouted at him.

"I told you, didn't I? I'm going on a midnight run..." he trailed off, admiring and taking in the mountain breeze.

"...what did we talk about, honey..." his mother sounded saddened.

"I know, I know... I... I just wanted to clear my head..." he stated and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Putting one in his mouth and lighting it. His mother clearly hearing what he just did, sight out and gave in.

"Izuku... I know it's hard but you promised me you'd stop smoking."

"I know mother... but it's the only thing that keeps me calm at the moment." He stated and took another drag from his cigarette. Holding in the smoke and letting it burn for a few seconds, he exhaled the smoke as his lungs started to ache.

"Be safe Izuku and please don't get caught. I love you." His mother stated and hung up. Finishing his cigarette and closing his eyes, he let the burn of the smoke in his throat do it's work.

"I love you too, mother." He stated, as he exhaled the smoke. Grabbing his keys out of his pocket, he walked up to his car. Before he unlocked it he stood in front of the beauty he got to his 16th birthday.

It was a 2004 Subaru Impreza GD. It had a air flux air suspension, 18" Japan racing rims fitted with toyo tiers Proxies and 98% tinted windows. The outer chassis was fitted with a variety of carbon fiber parts. The front fenders, the hood, the rear trunk hatch and as well as the wing was carbon fiber. He admired the car he built himself over the last few months. His hand glided over the carbon fiber hood as he walked up to the drivers seat. Unlocking the door and seating himself into the racing seat, he buckled up his two point racing harness and started the car. The flat four cylinder boxer engine was Musik to his ears. He but his car in neutral and started revving the engine multiple times, until he heard a satisfactory turbo flutter.

The interior of the car was also modified, fitted with two STI racing bucket seats and a full body roll cage. On the driver side of the car where two gauges fitted onto the A-frame of the car, a vacuum gauge and a boost gauge. As well as three additional on the center console of the car, a oil temperature and pressure gauge, as well as a second boost gauge. A additional RPM gauge was fitted on the steering column. Shifting into reverse, he pulled out of his parking space.

"Well...time to let out the monster.." he stated and put on his black face mask. Flicking a switch on the center console, his number plates changed into custom plates that read "Midnight Runner" on the front and "catch me" at the rear. He flicked two additional switches, turning on the underbody neon blue light as well as the neon blue interior light.

Pulling out of the parking lot, he started driving down the mountain and connected his phone with the Bluetooth stereo system. He selected his favorite song and started cruising down the road. After a while of driving the mountain pass, he started to pick up the pace, as he reached a few hairpins. Revshifting into a lower gear, the all wheel drive car entered the turn doing a four wheel drift.

"Let's hope my guardian angel can keep up with me!" He shouted to himself, as he stepped onto the gas paddle. As he was driving down the mountain, drifting through all the corners, more and more of his emotions got the better of him.

"I know the pain that you hide behind the smile on your face" the music blasted through the speakers.

'Son of a bitch... it just had to be that memory!' He thought to himself

"I can wait for you at the bottom
I can stay away if you want me to
I could wait for years if I gotta
Heaven knows I ain't getting over you"

Coming out of the mountains he drifted onto the highway, cutting straight into the left lain, break checking the car that he just cut off and flooring it.

"We'll try again
When we're not so different
We will make amends
Till then I'll just pretend"

"Dumb bitch!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and continued flooring the gas pedal. The memories flooding in, as a lonesome tear glide down his face.

"Weigh down on me
Stay till morning
Way down, would you say I'm worthy?"

He took a glimpse at his speedometer, reading 180km/h and climbing, reaching 190km/h.

"Weigh down on me
Stay till morning
Way down, would you say I'm worthy?"

Running through a speed cam with almost reaching 210km/h, he could hear the twin turbos of his engine work on full power. He looked into the rear few mirror and spotted read and blue lights in the far distance. But he ignored it, since he knew that the Japanese police cars where chipped to not go over 170km/h. He continued to swerve through traffic and surpass where he could, it didn't matter if it was squeezing his car through the small spaces he found between other road occupants or if he had to overtake using the emergency lane. The only thing that mattered to him was escaping his demons. He knew it would be probably better if he saw a therapist, but he wasn't ready to spend money for someone to tell him that he would get over it eventually.

Seeing that his exit was about to come up, he slowly stepped on the breaks and readied himself to drive home. Flicking the three levers again, turning off the lights and switching back to his street legal number plates.

"Well it looks like satan still has a restraining order on my ass." He said to himself as he made his way home. He looked at the time, reading 01:42am.

'Well...another three hour drive until I'm home...' he thought to himself. Driving down the road, taking the next exit to Mustafa. As he entered a tunnel, more and more details of the car could be shown, as the light shined on it. His blue Subaru Impreza showed a verity's of dents and repairs. Especially his front bumper, where it was cracked, it was fixed by using sip-ties in a crisscross pattern. One of his front headlights had a big hole in it, that was covered up with a carbon ring on the edges.

Though it looks like his headlight was broken, it was done on purpose to activate more airflow into his turbos. One of the back windows had a huge crack in it, but due to the window tint it didn't shatter. It's the only Althing what is holding it together. There where multiple pops heard in the tunnel, due to his exhaust spitting flames again.

His cruse through the tunnel didn't last long. In the distance a faint sound of police sirens could be heard, as well as for a four rotary engine. He knew that engine sound and could depict it in an instant. Slowing down and waiting for the car behind him to catch up, he pushed a cover upwards, so he could flick the switch as soon as they are in range.

End of chapter.

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