Chapter 22

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The five street racers stood there, in the home office room of the older Yaoyorozu's, with the younger still clinging to the green haired teen. They just looked at each other and then back to the head of the Yaoyorozu cooperation. They could see that he was quite pissed off.

"Now...would one of you please tell me, what in gods name is going on?!" He questioned.

"Oh I don't know...maybe let's start with the fact, that I did tell you two that it's to dangerous for me to get into a relationship with you daughter!" Izuku started to raise his voice. "This is exactly the reason I don't want to be with Momo, because of the people after me and my crew!"

"I assumed you where just talking big." Mr. Yaoyorozu composed himself again.

"Talking big?! We are fucking street racers! We don't talk big we prove our point with our cars and skills, the only thing we lie about is about how much horse power we have!" Izuku slammed his hands into the desk. "I don't really give a fuck if you are the head of the Yaoyorozu cooperation, because I have more important things to tend to, then discussing with you two if I'm allowed to have a relationship with your daughter." The green haired composed himself again.

"Now listen here you little-" Mr Yaoyorozu wanted to get up and personal with Izuku, but for his disappointment, his eldest son came into the office.

"Mom, dad, why do we have so many cars in front of the mansion....?" He walked in, realizing that he was interrupting something. Izuku, his crew and the others three Yaoyorozu's turned his direction, the four idiots where grinning to themselves, Momo and her mother were shaking their heads, while the others two where clearly at each other throats.

"Mahiro, what do you want?" His fathers questioned him. Though he ignored it and turned his full attention to the midnight runner opposite of his father.

"Why...why is shadow here...?" Izuku wasn't really suprised, since Momo told him all about her brother.

"You know this hooligan?" Mr. Yaoyorozu pointed at him.

"Who the fuck are you calling hooligan, old man?" The midnight runner shot back.

"Who are you calling an old man?!"

"Who wouldn't know him? He one of the best know street racers in Japan!" Mahiro excitingly explained. "But I don't recall seeing your STI or Lan-Evo outside..."

"The Honda NSX, that's mine." Izuku pointed out. "But that's besides the point. You where the costumer who asked me to put a Liberty-Works bodykit on a lambo."

"Wait, Izuku, you know my brother?" Momo questioned him.

"Hold up, Mo-chan, you know who he is?" Her brother asked back.

"First question, yeah I know your brother, he's a regular costumer at my shop, second, yes, me and Momo are former classmates and third, we're leaving." Izuku pointed out. He turned around and headed to the door, motioning to the others to follow him.

"Hey! Where do you thing you are going?!" Mr. Yaoyorozu shouted at him.

"Me? I'm going back to my shop to finish what I started." Izuku stated and waved his hand back at him.

"This conversation isn't over yet, I demand you to stay here! Bodyguards!" Mr Yaoyorozu ordered. As the door opened. There stood four massive units, Izuku just ignored them and continued walking. One of them tried to grab him, but landed instantly on the floor.

"W-what?" The two oldest Yaoyorozu's where surprised. The other three tried to jump him, but Izuku just dodged them. As a fist came flying, Izuku caught it with his right arm, he kicked him his kneecap in and threw him on the floor. He ducked under, as a second punch came flying, kneeing him in the guts and again, kicking the guys kneecap out of place, breaking the leg. Trying to punch him again, Izuku blocked the punch, grabbed him by the head and kneed the face of the bodyguard, knocking him out. The third guy and final bodyguard had his guard up and was causes of the green haired teen. But to his disappointment, Izuku rushed him, grabbed him by the head and threw him trough the doors of the office.

"God dam!!!" The four idiots shouted, being impressed by the demonstration of power and skill. Momo shook her head, while her parent where taken back. 

"How did you do that?!" Momos father wanted to know.

"Well I did mention that he was a former student of U.A. and top of my class." Momo pointed out.

"What kind of quirk do you have?" Her mother questioned him.

"Which one?" Izuku questioned back, leaving the two speechless.

"Mother, father, Izuku has two quirks, one being gravitational manipulation, while the other-"

"That's enough Momo." Izuku stated. "My quirks are nothing but a curse and liability. One being gravitational manipulation, like Momo said, while the other is...let's just call it fire manipulation."

"Boss, it's the girls." Reaper interrupted them as he received a text from Silver. "There in their way back, but need immediate back up."

"Tell them to head to our location, we will shack those fuckers I'm the touge." Izuku ordered and walked towards his car. The other four following close behind him.

"Izuku, I'm coming with you!" Momo rushed after him. He didn't say anything to her, since he knew she would probably annoy him until he said yes.

The five of them drove off of the Yaoyorozu property and drove up to a public road, waiting for the girls on the emergency lane. After about 10 minutes, Momo started to get bored and whined around. She annoyed Izuku until she she had a idea. Unbuckling her racing harness and climbing over to Izuku, sitting in his lap. Izuku wondered what she was doing, but realized he was trapped after seeing the list in her eyes.

"Hey, you two! Leave the fucking at home and not in the car!" Reaper called them out, over the intercom. Momo immediately rushed over to the passenger seat and covered her face with her hands.

"Thank you!" Izuku responded to him, earning a chuckle from the other three.

"Would you stop fucking around and get you asses ready!" Jess stated over the intercom.

"You head them boys, the girls are here." Stalker stated as he started his engine. Sammit, Reaper, Clipper and Izuku doing the same. As the three girls blew past them, Izuku immediately chased after them.

"Remember boys, ghost mode only, until we catch them off guard!" Izuku ordered.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not like they could recognize us, since they are to focused getting jade off of the street!" Clipper stated.

"Fuck it! I'll show them the Grim Reapers R32!" Reaper stated and crashed into the first chaser, that was trying to crash into Jade. He pushed him against the crash barrier and continued to push him against it until a lamp post came out of no where and took it with him. "One down, five to go!"

"Reaper, you crazy shit?!" Stalker was taken back by the aggressive driving style of the 26 year old.

"Where about to enter the touge! Lights in and get their attention!" The green haired kid ordered. As they turned on their lights, the chasing cars where taken by surprise as the three girls entered ghost mode and made a run for it. The five street racers overtook them, and mocked them a bit, as they entered the touge.

"Okay boys, let's show them that no one messes with a raging dragon!" Izuku smirked to himself, as he pulled up his face mask and handing one to Momo. Reaper, Clipper, Sammit and Stalker did the same as they entered the first uphill hairpin, drifting around it.

To be continued....

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