Chapter 4

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Sitting in the principal office, the silence was quite unsettling. Looking around, the two pro hero's and the principal waited patiently for there last guest to arrive. Aizawa was leaned against the wall by the door, Midnight was sitting on the principals desk and Nezu was steering his tea. She looked over to Izuku who was sitting besides her, not looking all to well.

"I'm guessing we are waiting for my mother?" The green haired teen questioned, only to receive a nod from the white chimera. "Oh fuck me." He said out loud, catching his home room teacher, as well as his modern art teacher off guard. They never heard him swear before, so this was new. Silver sight out, since she couldn't have this anymore.

"Okay, why in the world are we even here?" She questioned.

"Well that's quite easy!" Nezu excitingly claimed. "Mr. Midoriya or for you better known as Shadow, will be taken out of the hero corse. He is suspected to be a traitor and shall be punished as such-"

"Wait, what the hell?!" Izuku stood up and slammed his hands into the desk. "How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?!"

"Problem child, calm down." Aizawa came up from behind and placed his hand onto his shoulder.

"Fuck no!" He slapped the hand of his home room teacher away. "Where in gods name is your proof!" At that moment there was a knock on the door and Inko midoriya entered the room. Running up to her son and checking him if he is hurt.

"Ah Ms. Midoriya! Perfect timing, we where just talking about your son!" The chimera chirped. He explained the accusations to izukus mothers and the consequences that where waiting for him.

"Okay you piece of shit! I want to see your proof." Izuku claimed. Nezu pulled up a video with the date on it saying 04.05.2135 02:56pm. The video shows that "izuku" gave some villains information about UA Academy.

"Now that's a lot of bullshit!" Silver stood up and didn't let this situation sit on top of her friend. "Shadow has an alias for that day and I can proof it!"

"Oh if you can, than I would gladly see that proof." Nezu smiled at the girl. Silver pulled out the last text conversation she had with shadow on that day. Showing it to the principal and showing the pictures they took that day.

"Shadow, Clipper, 13 and me where on Touge mountain drifting that afternoon! That can't be shadow on that video you showed us. At that time he was standing next to me, as we tried pulling my car out of the mountain barrier!" The blue haired girl explained to them.

"Who gave you that video." Izuku looked at Nezu, he was pissed.

"Oh Mr. Todoroki gave me that video."

"Son of a bitch!" The mop of green hair shouted, activating his quirk and punching into the table, braking it. Everyone was shocked seeing him act like this, especially Silver. She never saw him this angry before.

"Shadow calm down-" she tried deescalating the situation. Izuku stood up and walked towards the door.

"Take me out of the hero corse." He stated.

"Problem child what do you mean?!" Aizawa was shocked hearing him say this. He knew that his number one problem child was obsessed with hero's and had the biggest motivation to become a hero, but hearing this, it didn't sound like it would be true.

"If todoroki wants me gone, that he can have it that way." Turning around and facing his teachers "I quit!" He slammed the door shut and made his way home. Silver and his mother ran right after him. Aizawa and midnight stood there stunned. They could have never have fathomed this outcome.
Turning to the rat, the sleep deprived hero grabbed him by the color.

"Fix this mess or I'm taking it into my own hands." Letting his boss go and chasing after his, now former student.
Aizawa ran after them, heading to the support course garage, knowing that Izuku wants to take his car with him.

Entering the garage, there they stood, the Midoriyas and Silver. Bothe silver and Midoriyas mother tried changing his mind.

"Midoriya, wait up!" He shouted after them. Silver and Ms. Midoriya turned his direction, but Izuku didn't. The only thing he did, was throwing a tension belt after him.

"Aizawa senses, with all do respect, if they want to start treating me like a piece of shit, so be it. But I'm not letting myself be called a villain for something I didn't do!" The mop of green, shouted at him. Lowering the loading bed from the truck, he took everything he left in the car.

"First that good for nothing bitch and then that daddy issues piece of crap? Fuck no! I'm done being a hero. If there is something you might need from me, just hope you can find me on one of the Japanese mountain passes." With that said, Izuku got in his car and drove off.
Silver and Inko stood there and sight out.

"Get in, Ms. Midoriya. I'll give you a ride home." Silver smiled and left shortly after. Aizawa stood there, not believing what happened. He just lost one of his best students. He felt a fury of emotions, sadness, frustration but most importantly anger.

End of chapter.

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