Chapter 28

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*~* "Slo?!" *~*

Seven was caught off guard by the sudden introduction of his friend. Slo is quite known in the car community as "ryl.slo" and also one of the first people to introduce the "ghost mode". He's better known for his blacked out Corvette or the custom license plate he introduced to the car community. Slo was driving down the highway, trying to catch up with the entity's. His crew was right behind him, all in ghost mode to be undetected. To add to that, Luck was on their side, since the police helicopter was lighting up the area quite nicely, they didn't need too worry about driving into oncoming traffic.

*~* "Alright guys, we're gonna do a hit and run. Get the cops off of there bumpers and then meet up at the underground."*~*

Slo ordered his crew to initiate the plan. They all exited ghost mode and caught the feds off guard. They flew passt them and started Break checking them, to give the entity's enough time to flee the scene.

"Woah! What a surprise ladies and gentlemen, it looks like some anonymous team just joined the party!" The reporter was shocked out of his mind by the sudden appearance of the multiple cars appearing out of no where. He could recognize them by there logo plastered on the roof of their cars, they had to be a team.

Seven was relived by the sudden appearance by his friend. Three 1998 Honda NSX NA-2 type R's pulled up to the scene and started to block the three lane highway. Each car started shooting flames, to stall the Feds. The entity's took the chance they got and made a run for it.

*~* "I hope this makes us even, seven. Make sure too take care of my sister or I'm coming for your head!" *~*

Cutting off the communication, seven sight out. He was glad that Slo made it on time, smiling to himself.

*~* "Okay listen up guys! Head to Colorado, there should be a abandoned airport. A friend of mine bought that land and still keeps it running in privat, without the government knowing. Tell him Simon send his best regards." *~*

Seven explained and gave them the coordinates to the abandoned airport. Cutting off communications with his friends, he sat down and let out a sigh of relief. A hand was placed onto his shoulder.

"Seven, what's wrong?" The masked racer questioned him.

"That where my friends." He responded. "We are quite known in the US for always running from the Feds. We call ourselves "The Entity's". Before I came too japan and joined your crew, I was part of theirs. That's also where I got the name Seven from."

Looking at the Veilside RX-7 driver, Izuku gave his friend a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about a thing. We'll get them set up here. Might as well expend as much as we can."

"Thank you Izuku." Seven smiled, looking at his phone, dreading the awaiting phone call he has too do.





Walking to his car, his mind was occupied with multiple thoughts running through it. He walked up to his garage door and opened it. While doing so, he heard someone calling out for him.

"Sam!" A feminine voice called out. Turning around, he was meet by a blond haired women. She was slightly taller then him and had a good figure for a woman her age.

"Yeah? What's up?" He responded.

"Tyler informed us that The Entitie's are coming over and need a lift too Japan. Seven informed me and stated it's a 7186." The blond explained.

"Seven? I haven't heard from him in ages and now he wants me to fly some underground street racers to Japan?" The girl nodded in response.

"Well ... tell him I can't." Sam responded.

"Huh? Sam, these people need our help!"

"Alex!" He turned to her, annoyance and rage written all over his face. "I can't okay! Even if I wanted too, I can't! The league is controlling the airspace in the US! It would be a suicide mission to bring them over the border."

"Please Sam! They need our help!" She pleaded. "I'm sure The House would help us if Tyler speaks with them." As she spoke his name, said person walked up to them.

"Sam, get the Plane started. The House is gonna help us and makes sure to get these boys over to Japan." Tyler pointed out.

"You guys got to be kidding me."

"Just do it Sam. If things go south I'll be the fall guy." Tyler stated. As the three of them where disguising there next move, a couple of cars pulled up to them. Turning there direction, they saw multiple super cars.

A woman got out of her McLaren P1 and walked up to them. There was a heavy aura in the air.

"Navarro." Tyler squinted his eyes. He was cautious around her. Knowing her she would backstab them again.

"Tyler "Ty" Morgen." He responded.

End of chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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