Chapter 24

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Looking at the other four that where standing there, he signaled them, that they would leave this place and made sure that they showed them not to mess with them and their territory. Getting into his car, he saw his passenger sleeping with her head leaned against the window. Driving down the road they came from, they evaded the other five cars they ran into the crash barrier and mountain side.

"Dam.... I thought they where tougher." Pointed out Reaper, over the intercom.

"Don't get to cocky, it will bite you in the ass." Shadow replied.

"I'm not cocky, I'm staying the obvious! If they where part of the league, shouldn't they be more skilled?" He retored.

"Now that you say it... I think reaper is onto something." Stalker added.

"We will talk about this when we're back at base. Right now, we need to focus that the league can't grow any more as they already are." Izuku ordered.

As they drove out of the mountain pass and onto the highway, their cars where lit up by the lamp posts. The first one being a Honda NSX, behind him a Nissan GTR R32, to its sides where two Nissan S15's and at the back was a Mazda RX7. Driving down the highway in formation, they made sure to assert their dominance. Reapers R32 was quite banged up, but that would be expected if he uses his car as a battering ram.

As they arrived at their destination, he was greeted by the faculty of the school, they where currently staying at. Greeting them back and explaining to them for their late night crusade, they headed to the garage. As they parked their cars and got out of them, Izuku being the first one, received a punch to the face. Luckily for him he stopped it inches in front of his face. Moving the hand away and looking at the person who sent it, it was Silver.

"Do you mind telling me, what that shit was that you five pulled off?!" Silver was furious, she knew that Izuku would be reckless, but never knew he was this reckless.

"We proved our point. One of them wanted to drag Jessy into the barrier, so I showed them not to mess with the Grim Reaper" the R32 driver pointed out, as he walked into the direction of the kitchen. 

"Besides, I wouldn't really have done it, since I had Momo with me. Speaking of which, I'll be bringing her to her room." Izuku pointed out and grabbed the sleeping ravenet, carrying her princessly to her dorm.

The next day.

It was 9:30am and Izuku being the crazy fuck he is, made a deal with the principal last night. The green haired teen offered the rat god himself to play chest with him, if he was allowed to wake up the first year hero course students. Driving his car right in between the two dorm buildings, he shifted into neutral and two stepped. Though he was not alone, he brought Clanker and Sidewinder with him. Both of them had a MK IV Supra, while Izuku himself was sitting in his Driftstang. The three of them where creating smoke and making their exhaust spit flames, sounding like guns being shot. They did this for a few minutes until they saw the first couple of students run out of the dorms, to see what was going on. Exiting his car, he smirked at them. Some where irritated, other annoyed, while those who where car enthusiasts themself , smiled at the new alarm clock they received.

"Good morning class 1A and 1B." Greeted Vlad king and Eraserhead. "The street racers we are letting refugee for the time being will be your new alarm clock." The sleep deprived teacher smirked. The class represents, being Momo Yaoyorozu and Tenya Iida from 1A, Itsuka Kendo and Neito Monoma from 1B, came forth and just looked at the three unamused.

"Really Shadow..." Momo pointed out. She was still sleep deprived.

"I expected better of you..." Iida stated.

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