Chapter 9

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Waking up, she found herself on a sofa. She wondered what happened and started looking around. She was covered with a fluffy blanket and laying in the middle of a car garage. She heard the faint sound of a radio playing and someone cursing. There was a clock right across of her that read 2:32pm. She was taken back at the time, she never imagined to oversleep this much, but giving the circumstance, her body need it, since it did lack sleep.

"Motherfucker!" She was taken back by the sudden swearing of a familiar voice. Looking over to the direction, where the swearing came from, she was surprised seeing Midoriya covered in oil and Bakugo standing next to him laughing his ass off. She smiled at there antics, but stayed quite not the disturb them. Although she tried her best, be a sudden tap on her shoulder, she yelped and jumped off of the sofa and fell face first into the floor.


"Looked painful ponytail!" Bakugo chuckle to himself.

"Yaoyorozu, are you okay?" The other questioned her.

"Yes, I'm alright. I just got a little jump." She felt a bit embarrassed. Looking up to the person that tapped her, she was taken back by the friendly smile that she got.

"Im sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you." Mama Midoriya smiled at her.

"It's quite alright, Ms..."

"Im Inko Midoriya, but please just call me Inko." She started happily.

"If I may ask, what happened, all I can remember was falling asleep in the car..." Momo stated.

"Yeah, that did happen and I carried you to the couch. From the looks of it, you needed sleep badly and Katsuki confirming that, was just enough proof that I just let you rest there." Izuku pointed out.

"You really need to take more care of yourself, Yaoyorozu." Bakugo stated and walked up to her, giving her a helping hand.

"Thank you, Bakugo- Hey! Wait a minute, did you just call me by my name?!" She was taken a bit back by the sudden mention of her name.

"Well yeah? That is your name, isn't it?" The ash blond replied.

"How about I take it from here and you and mom go to the living room, katsuki." Izuku stated and gestured Momo to follow her. She followed him into the back of the garage, where she was taken back by the shear size of it.

Looking around, there where multiple cars all painted in the same color, all of them had a carbon chassis with purple vinyl wrap extents, at the sides there was a dragon with a purple body and a silver colored head. The only car she recognized, was Midoriyas Subaru Impreza. Continuing looking around, there was a second floor to the garage, that was reachable via satires at the right side. It was like a viewing platform for the garage, but from the looks of it, Midoriya had his living quarters there.

"Yaoyorozu?" Izuku called out for her. She turned to his direction and saw him gesturing for her to go upstairs. She did as she was told, he being close behind her, after he grabbed his phone.
Looking around she placed herself on his office chair. She didn't wanted to be rude, although she really wanted to sit on the bean bag in the corner.

"Yaoyorozu, I can see it in your eyes. Go head i don't mind." He smiled at the girl. She looked at him, smiled and happily jumped towards the beanbag, making herself comfortable.

"Thank you, Midoriya!" She smiled at him. He found it amusing seeing her so energetic.

"Well... since your awake now, I might as well tell you what really happened." He started. "Well, if you recall, Uraraka and I where dating up until three months ago. I found out that she was having a on and off thing with Todoroki on the side, therefore I broke up with her and started distancing myself from everyone. After the training camp incident, principal Nezu started having dorms on campus and I refused to live under the same roof as those two. And a couple of days prior, Aizawa sensei started hunting me down. Since my birthday was three months ago, I started becoming more and more reckless, participating in street races and running from the police, because if Uraraka..." Izuku looked at the floor, if he was bring honest with himself, somewhat regretful in what he did at that time. Yaoyorozu was saddened seeing him in this state, but at the same time, there was a steady rage starting to build up agains the gravitation user.

"To add to that, I did start falling into depression. One night though, I was minding my own business and came across one of my friends. He was running from the cops, so I thought, I'd help him escape. Well all in all, everything did go as planned. The only thing I didn't think would happen, was that Aizawa sensei would persuade a car chase with me. We drove from Wangan to Mustafa in just under one and a half hours. The continued chasing me and I got desperate. At one point one of my tires popped and I crashed into a stop light." Momo was shocked hearing this information, she would never have imagined that there teacher would be so persuasive to the point of a accident.

"Well the crash was mostly my fault, since I did have a drift session prior to the chase." The greenet added, knowing Momo would get the wrong image of his former and her home room teacher.

"After waking up in recovery girls office, I was taken to Nezu'a Office. There I found out that Todoroki was pressured by his father to frame me and the rest is history. I dropped out of UA, am wanted in 10 out of 47 prefectures in Japan and in all honesty, I'm one of the most known Midnight Runners in Japan." He finished telling her his side of the story. Momo just looked at him, seeing the once most persuasive student, that wanted to become a Hero, become a outlaw who runs from the police and is well known in the underground car scene.

"Midoriya I-"

"Izuku." Cutting her off. "Call me... Izuku." He smiled at her. Blushing a bit, Momo was taken back. She remembered him being all shy and anxious all the time, but people change over time.

"Then call me Momo." She returned the gesture. "I wanted to thank you again, even though we aren't classmates anymore, for always being there for me." Between all the events from Izuku comforting her at the sports festival or her joining him to save Bakugo from the villains, they where quite close to one another, even if they didn't realize it yet.

"Give me your phone Momo." She wandered what he wanted to do, but she gave him the phone nevertheless. Seeing him typing something she realized what he was doing. He was addding himself into her contacts.

"If you ever need me, just give me a call." He gave her the phone back.

"I will." She stated happily. She was comfortable with him, she felt safe and cared for and that made her happy. Following his gaze she watched him head back down the stairs and observed his doings. Izuku went up the the three cars, that where under his room. He unlocked the middle car and popped the hood.

Although the two of them haven't realized it yet, they felt at ease in the presence of the other. It was comforting for them. In the back of Momo's mind, she knew that she had a little crush on the greenet, but she would never expect what the outcome might be later on. The same goes for Izuku, he knows how beautiful and gorgeous Yaoyorozu is, although he swore himself not to fall in love ever again, this might be unavoidable.

End of chapter.

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