Chapter 10

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After the talk with Yaoyorozu, Midoriya felt a bit relieved talking with someone about his situation. He let the young girl stay on his beanbag and turned his attention back to one of the many cars in his personal garage. Continuing workin on his car, he felt a set of eyes watching his every move. Looking up, he saw her staring at him with curiosity in her eyes.

"Hey, Momo how about you come down here and give me a hand." He smiled at the girl. She was a bit hesitant at first, but decided to help him nevertheless. Walking towards him and looking at the car he was working on. It was quite the old, but beautiful car. The car he was working on, was a 1990 Honda NSX, fitted with a twin turbo V8 engine and a Alchemist Bodykit.

"You have a Honda NSX?" The rich girl questioned him.

"Hmm..? You know this car?" He was taken back a bit, he never knew that she had a interest in cars like him. It made him happy to have something in coman with her.

"Yeah, my older brother owns one too. He is quite the car guy like you Izuku."
She beamed. "But if I may ask, isn't there usually a single turbo V6 engine in this car?"

"Ah, yes. Usually there would be, but in this case, I motor swapped it to a V8. The car is tuned for Downhill races, so for tonight. It's fitted with all the safety gear and stuff you would need, plus this thing makes about 1.300 boosted horse power and additional to that there are 4 x 1,4kg tanks in the rear." He pointed out and popped the trunk, showing her the NOS Gas tanks. 

"Don't you think that's a big overkill?" The ravenet questioned him.

"There is a saying, the only thing that a car has too less from, is hp and boost. I have to admit though, from the factory, the car has around 400-600 wheeled horse power, so all in all... maybe I did go a bit overkill." He chuckled.

"Why add more horse power if that thing already has that much from the factory?!" She was surprised that he double the power output of the car, but wondered at the same time, why in the world would anyone need it.

"There are multiple reasons why anyone would do that, mine personally, I'm a street racers and the more hp a car has the faster you can run from the police." Izuku pointed out.

"..." in all honesty she never thought that those words would come out of his mouth. He changed a lot in a span of just three months, she was happy that he was doing well, yes, but at the same time worried about his ever growing recklessness.

Looking at the girl, he knew he said something wrong. Sighing he grabbed a paper towel and cleaned his hands. Glancing one more time at her, he just gave her a head pat, while he waited for the car jack to have the ideal hight to work on. He took her by surprise at first, but she liked it. It made her feel safe, even though he wasn't giving her all the attention, he did care about her, even if it's just a little bit. She smiled, as he continued to give her head pats. That happiness didn't last long though, since Izuku still has his full attention towards his car and started to take of his front wheels.

"Hey!" Looking at the rich girl, she stared at the mop of green hair with a disapproval pout. "You can't just start giving me a head pat and stop it in-between!"

"Yes I can and I just did." He smiled at her and started to dissemble his breaks.

"Your so mean!" She argued with him. Setting down his tools, he picked her up and carried her to his bed and threw her on it.

"I'm washing my hands and then I'll continue to giving you head pats, but only until 5:00pm. I need to get the car finished before 9pm." He pointed out and walked to the bathroom. Momo looked at the clock next to her, the time read 3:51pm. She beamed with happiness. The only thing that got her off guard this time, was Bakugo. He was standing by the stares and watching her celebrate in silence.


"Yes, yaoyorozu?" He grinned at her.

"Please tell me, you didn't seem that?" She questioned the explosion user.

"Yes, yes I did. It was quite amusing. Nevertheless, I'm not here because of that. I wanted to talk to you." That was a surprise for her. She never seen him be this down to earth and friendly.
"Just take care of the nerd. It's already a hazel enough that he needed to be betrayed like that. Make him happy if you finde the chance to0." He stated and left, leaving her speechless.

After a while Midoriya came back and just saw the creation user laying in his bed, all cozied up under his blanket.

"Never knew, you would be this bold Momo." Turning his direction, said girl looked at him with a fainted blush. Not saying a word, she opened the blanket and tapped the place besides her, indicating that he should lay beside her. Looking at the girl with a questionable look, he was a bit hesitant to do as he was told.

"It's... embarrassing if ... if you continue to stare at me like that, Izuku." She pointed out, her blush slowly growing by the minute.

"Fine then, move over." He sight out and gave into temptation, laying besides the ravenet. She instantly cuddled up to him and berried her face into his chest. "Are...are you sure, that this is fine Momo?" Izuku questioned her again.

"For how smart you are, you are really oblivious, do you know that? I wouldn't be doing this if it wouldn't be alright with me..." she pointed out, trying to force him to continue to pat her head.

"okay, okay...just...don't get to attached..." Izuku stated and started to head pat her again. It felt nice, the warmth of her body and her cutely attitude towards him, it felt like he was cared for, other than his mother or Katsuki. He thought back and realized something.

'Uraraka never showed this much affection... not in the slightest, but this...this feels completely different, but wrong at the same time...' izuku lost himself in his own thoughts and started to debate with himself if it was really okay to do something like this to Yaoyorozu. It was a bit awkward, but he didn't wanted to make her sad and just went with it. Looking over to his clock, it read 4.25pm.

'Hope I can concentrate later.' He thought to himself and started to close his eyes, drifting off and falling asleep. Momo on the other hand looked up to him and observed his sleeping face. She looked around her and saw the position they where in, even if Izuku is shorter than her, he was the big spoon and she was the little spoon, his hand between her hair and his arm around her waist. She was laying on his arm and snuggled up to him as close she could. She did wonder how anyone could hurt such a amazing person to begin with, he was kind, smart, cute and a gentleman at heart. But one thing did keep her mind busy.

'What did he mean... don't get to attached...' she thought to herself. From her point of few, he doesn't want her to fall in love with him. 'Maybe he is scared to be heart broken again...?' She questioned herself, but was brought out of her thoughts as the alarm rang. Looking at his phone, it was 5:01pm. She sight out and gently nudged the boy, that was laying in front of her.

"I heard it, Momo. It's alright, I'm awake." Izuku pointed out, but kept his eyes closed. "And next time, use your inner voice, you picked up my habit of rambling to myself." He pointed out and got out of bed. Leaving the girl sat in bed blushing a deep red.

End of chapter.

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