Chapter 19

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There was a chilling silence in the room. On one side the crew got to see there leader without their face mask, while on the other, class 1A was taken back by the sudden mention of their former classmate. The door opened once more, Jess and Silver walked into the room. Seeing their friend without a face mask was a bit weird for them, but looking around, they understood why he showed his identity to the rest of the crew. Seeing Silver on the other hand, lifted a huge burden off of Izuku. He was happy to see her save and sound.

There was one student though who was shocked more than everyone else, seeing him again. It's been a couple of months now and she hadn't heard from him ever since. That student in particular, was no other that his ex-girlfriend Ochako Uraraka. She wanted to go up to him and see how he was doing, but stopped when she saw her classmate, Momo Yaoyorozu, walk up to him and hug him from behind. She felt a bunch of emotions towards the girl, anger, sadness, confusion, but most importantly jealousy

"Hold up a minute.... Our captain was a former student at UA's hero course and threw it to be a street racer???" One of them questioned.

"No, I was framed for being a traitor without proof. Therefore I quit and continued my passion for street racing." Izuku corrected him. "But that's not important right now, what's important is that we show the league where they belong."

"I have a questioned." Stalker pointed out. "Where is Buster and his crew?"

"He's doing me a solid. He's picking up some new toys from a few friend's of mine." The green haired kid grinned.
The front doors opened up again, turning into the direction, Buster and his crew came walking in, with two additional people walking close behind. One being a older man with glasses, while the other seemed a bit younger. The crew lost there absolute crap as they recognized the two men.

The first one with the glasses being Smoky Nagata, while the other was the founder of Liberty-Works, Wataru Kato.

"Yo, Smoky what's up?" Izuku went up to the guy, stretching out his hand.

"Ah, Shadow-San! I heard that the league is trying to mess with you, so I will give you my aid." The old man smiled at him. Shaking hands, he was happy seeing the young teen doing well.

"To think that a 16 year old would go against the leagues will, you my child have some guts. I don't know if it's smarter to go agains Ferraris laws or against the league, but you have my aid." Wataru Kato stated. Everyone was shocked seeing two legends standing next to the green haired boy.

"Smoky Nagata and Wataru Kato standing right in front of us..." Kirishima trailed off.

"Not to mention that Midoriya is Tokyos most wanted Midnight Runner: Shadow...." Kaminari added. Yaoyorozu on the other hand chuckled at there antics and walked over to her favorite broccoli, hugging him from behind. Izuku turned around and looked up to the girl taller than him, wondering what she wanted, but he figured she just wanted attention.

"Okay people, we have a shop to build and cars to tune, so get to work! We have Top Secrets tuning knowledge and Liberty-Works recourses to build our cars." Izuku pointed out and gave orders. The crew went straight to work and walked into the school yard. Nezu made sure that Cementos would build them a big enough garage to fit everything under one roof, they where stationed next to UA's support course's workshop hangars.

Walking into the building, they where a bit takin back by the shear size of it. Izuku chuckled to himself, knowing that the white rat did go overboard. Opening the garage doors, there was already a truck waiting to be unloaded, opening the trailer, there where multiple car lifts and shelf's inside.

"Oh god, the rat did really go all out again." He said. The crew did work overtime to get the garage set up as fast as possible, meaning the sooner they finish building and decorating the place, the sooner they could hunt down the league.

The garage consisted of three major areas, the front, the garage itself and the back of the garage. The front yard of the garage, there where mostly over roofed parking spaces, where the drift cars, Buster and his crews pickup trucks and spare tires would sit most of the time.

Inside the garage itself there where round about 25 car lifts placed in a L-shape. The first 20 car lifts where for the rest of the crew excessive, while the back five where mostly occupied by Shadow and his friends. There was an additional paint booth and storage area for spare parts. Liberty-Works also took there liberty and had an area cleared out to fit verity's of body kits, from Liberty-Works itself, to Varis and Rocket Bunny. Smoky Nagata set up a dedicated area to do engine swaps, with multiple 1j's, 2j's, RB25's and SL-engines in a separated storage room.

The back yard of the garage, consisted of a parking area for the 18 wheeler trucks and the rest of the cars of the crew. The whole parking area had a roof to prevent the cars to get whet and start rusting. Everyone in the Black Dragons had the respective role to uphold. Therefore the crew name Black Dragons, was a overall name, that held multiple sub crews, that specialized in different professions.

There was Buster's crew: Silver Six, a crew of 6 drivers all specialized in getting the cops to back down. They all drive a pick up truck with a modified crash bar on the front and a reinforced chassis. They where the tanks of the crew. There where Buster himself, Sprinter, Forcast, Sargent, Six and Rescue. Each on of them imported their car from the US and Germany.

Then there was the Hazard's, they where a crew specialized in mechanical engine upgrades and NOS. They consisted of a crew of 10 mechanics all lead by Candy. She was the head mechanic that worked under Shadow and his crew.

In addition to the Hazard's, Smokescreen was a crew of 5 Drifters that compete in the Formular Drift Japan (JFD) series's. All five of them drive a 2jz swapped Nissan S15. There was Sammit, Sticky, Stunt, Stalker and Sidewalker.

Project Alpha, was a special set of people who work in the underground scene of the black market, delivering and receiving orders and packages from the Yakuza, up to the Japanese Military. Like Shadow, all of them where wearing a face mask to keep their identities secret from the public, the only known information was that they consisted of 3 drivers.

Rotary expansion was another crew that belonged to the Black Dragon, mostly consistent of Rotary powered vehicles. They where the biggest crew that belonged to the black dragon with 20 drivers, each one having a twin, triple or quadruple powered rotary engine in their car. It didn't matter if it was a Lan-Evo, a BMW or even a Miata, the only thing they upheld where their love for the rotary engine.

Last, but not least came Shadows crew: Midnight Shadows. They where there to mess with the cops as much as they can. Getting their attention and humiliating them day in and day out.
In total the Black Dragons consisted of more than 50 people, they all followed Izuku and respected him for his skills, remarkable knowledge and analyzing habit.  

Right now, the crew where in the garage working, chatting and fooling around. But one thing was on everyone's mind, what was underneath those covers. The five car lifts in the far back where all occupied, two of them covered up with a car cover. Equationally either Shadow, Silver or Candy worked on the two mysterious cars. Not taking it anymore, Stalker walked up to them.

"Hey, boss!" Izuku turned around and saw him coming his way.

"Yeah, what's up Stalker?" The green haired teen questioned Hinz

"Enough with the mystery's, we all want to know what's under those covers." The blue haired drifter pointed out. Chuckling to himself, Izuku walked to the first car and tugged on the cover. Everyone of Black Dragon walked up to them and could never have fathomed to see those cars in there thresholds.

End of chapter.

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