Chapter 23

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There was a ton of noise coming from the mountain. Tires screeching, turbos whistling and exhausts spitting flames. A couple was driving down the mountain in there Mitsubishi lancer III as they just had a date. They explicitly picked this place, since they had the hopes of meeting some touge racers.

"Honey, hear that? Those must be touge racers." Her boyfriend exclaimed.

"Really? I can't wait to see them!" She happily stated. But due to both of their surprise, five cars pulled up to them. They threw their rear bumper out, almost hitting them and hitting the turn with emence speed.

"Holy fuck?!" The boyfriend was taken back as he pulled over to the emergency lane. Looking out the passenger window, there he could see another six cars chasing after them.

"Man...those are some aggressiv drivers...." He pointed out, as he heard their tires screaming. Back with Izuku and the others, they where giving the league a exclusive VIP seat in the gapple hotel. Coming up to the next hairpin, Clipper pulled apart from the crew and made a 180 turn onto the other road side and killed his lights.

"Clipper, what the hell are you doing?!" Izuku questioned him, as he drifted up the turn, almost coming into the other lane.

"The hunted are going to hunt the hunters!" He laughed manically as he drove back down and waited for them to catch up with the others.

"Crazy motherfucker!" Stalker exclaimed as he rev-shifted into the hairpin, doing a backwards entry. Sammit and Reaper following his lead, while Shadow inertia drifted into it.

"Your one to talk!" Sammit shot back at Stalker. The four of them did the same as Clipper, as they came up to the next turn. Making a U-turn with style, killing the lights and heading after the RX7 driver.

Back with Clipper, he catched up with a black Toyota Mark II. Turning his lights on, he caught the driver off guard. He panickly lost control over his car and drove right into the mountain barrier. As fast as he appeared, he disappeared again.

"Man, I love this ghost mode! Two down, four to go!" Clipper happily exclaimed. Hearing a V8 engine behind him, he smirked to himself, as he recognized that familiar turbo whistle.
It was Shadow, showing his high beams, to signal that it was truly him.
The five of them made a plan, that Izuku, Sammit and Stalker, would go up ahead and distract them again, while Clipper and Reaper made sure to push them off the road. The three of them floored it and blew past the league, catching them off guard.

"Puta madre!" A Spanish speaking man yelled.

"Oi mate, those are the cunts we are supposed to get!" A British accented man pointed out.

"Well then get going, we need to catch them!" A German sounding man responded, as he floored it. Though he thought, he was surprised as suddenly something crashed into him. Reaper turned on his lights and then started to continue pushing the guy into the crash barrier. Behind him was a BMW E30, the driver of the car wanted to assist his companion, but instead of going sending the R32 into the crash barrier he felt that something just hit the side of his bumper. The next thing he knew, was spinning out and hitting the mountain side. Back with the other two league drivers, the Brit and Mexican, they didn't see what was coming their way, as Izuku spun around, he drove right into their direction, imitating that he was trying to Kamikaze himself. The two league drivers evaded him, almost scraping their chassis with the Honda. But unfortunately one drove into the crash barrier, spinning out, while the other hit the mountain barrier, driving up it and flipping his car.

Izuku and his crew stopped their cars on the emergency lane and got out. Looking around, they saw that one driver was still conscious.


As he opened his eyes, he saw the Nissan Skyline GTR R34 from his mate, hanging in the crash barrier. Coming back to his senses, all he could remember was chasing after four other cars up a mountain back road, when suddenly the driver of the Honda NSX did a 180 and tried Kamikaze himself. Looking around his car, a Toyota Supra MK III, it was laying on it's roof. Crawling out of his car, blood was running down his face. Suddenly he got kicked in the face and felt something heavy on him. As he opened his eyes, he could see a masked figure sitting on top of him and the next think he knew, was a fist coming straight at him.

The anonymous person continued to beat down on the person until his fist was covered with blood and the person he was beating up, was unconscious. Standing up, he looked around him, making sure that it was only him and the others.


"I think you did enough." Stalker pointed out. He in return nodded and pulled out a emblem. It was a emblem from the crew he was part of, a purple dragon with a silver colored head. He threw it at the body.

"Fucking Brit's man." Sammit stated and walked up to his car, a pink Nissan S15 with a demon slayer water livery on it.

"Says the Aussie." Izuku was in the back of the other two, receiving a call over the intercom.

"Do you guys copy?" A feminine voice questioned.

"Yes, Silver." He responded.

"Any issues?"

"Negative, out here." He stated.

End of chapter.

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