Chapter 26

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"Motherfucker!" He kicked against the damaged front of his car. Shouting and spurring profanity after profanity, he was quite loaded with rage. Leaning against the wall, he slid down it and let his head fall low. No one dared to utter a word or go up to him, they all knew better. They didn't want to put additional fuel to the fire.

"Hey, Silver...?" Jess called out the blue haired girl. She in return just looked away, as soon they looked eye's. Jess knew that it was best to leave Izuku alone, but she was worried about her friend. Looking around, she could see that no one was willing to go near him. Sighing out, she walked out of the garage and into the direction of the first years dorm buildings. Reaching the front doors, she texted Momo and entered the building. Looking up, all sights of the students fell on her. Smiling and giving them a little wave, she walked up to their teacher and seated herself next to him.

"Hello." The purple haired girl smiled at him.

"What are you doing here Jess." The sleep deprived teacher questioned her.

"I'm waiting for Momo." She pointed out. The teacher nodded and went back to sleep. Continuing to play with her phone, she waited for the raven haired girl.

Momo on the other hand was rushing to get finished. Grabbing a pair of sneakers out of her wardrobe and a light jacket, that added to her outfit of leggings and a crop top. Reaching the common area, she walked up to Jess.

"So what's up?" The ravenet questioned.

"It's Shadow. He needs some cheering up." Jess pointed out. She received a nod from Momo and the two went back to the garage. Reaching the garage, they heard quite the commotion. Walking inside, they spotted Shadow with a angle grinder cutting the through the from of his car.

"What the hell is he doing now?!" The purple haired girl questioned out loud.

"Well, he suddenly shot up, drove on one of the car lifts and started to go to work." Silver walked up to the two.

"He's just cutting off his front of the car up to the wheel wells. After that he's going to weld a drift bar in its place and a custom front chassis." Clipper informed the three girls, as he was dragging the MIG welder to Shadow. The three girls blinked a couple of times and started giggling amongst themselves.

"Man and I thought he'd go on a rampage." Jess giggled.

"He does have some rather unique antics." Momo pointed out and walked over to him.

"Go help your boyfriend!" Silver shanted after her.

"I will!" The ravenet answered and gave them a wink. Walking up to the green haired teen, she tapped his shoulder. Stoping what he was doing and looking up, he grabbed her by the hand and puller her down to his level. "Quite bold of you, don't you think Izuku?" She smirked at him.

"Well I can be even bolder if you want." He pointed out, kissing her cheek and standing up. He walked over to the fridge and got a Monster. Opening the energy drink and taking a sip, he peaked his ears up to listen to the loud shriek the girl let out. Walking back to his car, he followed Momo with his eyes, as she ran out of the garage. Her hands where covering her red flushed face. He chuckled to himself and went back to work. He was almost finished separating the bash-bar from the chassis.

Back with Momo, she was seen storming into the classroom, with a red face. She just seated herself and stayed quiet. All her classmates were looking at her with a confusion. Ignoring them, she tried calming herself. Jirou walked up to her and smiled at her friend.

"Is everything okay, Yaomomo?" The punk girl questioned her best friend.

"I-I'm fine..."she stuttered a bit. Giving her purple haired friend a small smile.

"What did he do...?" Jirou trailed off.
Momo stayed quiet and didn't answer her question. "What. Did. He. Do?" She questioned the rich girl again, venom leaking behind every word she uttered.

"He-he did nothing!" The raven haired girl replied. "He was just teasing me..."

"Ooooh~ Yaomomos boyfriend must be a bold guy then." Ashido smirked.

"Shadow is not my boyfriend!"

"Not yet!" Came from across the room. The three girls looked in the direction from where the voice came from and saw Bakugou giving them a sly smirk.

"Katsuki, shut up!" The rich girl yelled at him.

"Don't be like that Momo or should I say Mo-chi~" the ash blond boy teased.

"Stop it Kaachan!" The creation user shouted embarrassed. Although the two of them wanted to continue there bickering, Aizawa entered the classroom and broke them up.

"Okay class listen up!" The sleep deprived teacher demanded. "We will be having a joined training session with class B, so don't disappoint me." He started to explain how this joined training session would be like.

"But before we start, we will be having a additional student or rather two additional students to join us today." Aizawa sensei added. The class wondered who would join them and started to talk amongst themselves too find out who those two students where. After a few minutes, there was a loud knock and the door opened.
The class instantly recognized the two students standing there, one being shinso while the other one was kendo.
Both of them giving them a friendly wave.

"Kendo and Shinso are transferring into 1A." Aizawa announced. He went back to explaining what their joined training session with class 1B would contain and what strong points are vital in their fight.

Back in the garage, Izuku was continuing his work in his Mitsubishi lancer Evo X. He was still quite pissed at himself, but on the other hand he is also relieved that his engine wasn't damaged through the crash. The only thing he has too replace, was his twin intercooler system that was mounted there.

"Man you're one lucky fucker, aren't you." Candy stood behind him.

"In what way am I lucky?" The mop of green hair peaked out of his welders helmet.

"Well, if you wouldn't have those reinforcements on your chassis, there would be far more significant damage."

"That may be true, but still, rebuilding the whole front of the car is a pain in the ass!" Shadow pointed out. As the two of them continued arguing like a married couple, the rest of there crew stood there and chuckled at there antics.

End of chapter.

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