Chapter 2

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"Stella! Should have known that you're a dyke, too!"

I turn to see the school dirtbag. Everyone hates him, yet he still has his loyal followers that think he's all that. His name is Frank. I glare at him. Hunter is silent beside me, but looks pissed.

I laugh in his face, which of course makes him mad. He scowls as I laugh at his ignorance. "Hanging out with someone that's gay doesn't make you gay, idiot. It's not a disease. And of I am a lesbian is it really your business? It's my life and it's who I am. And besides, with 'men' like you," I look him up and down, frowning in disgust. He smells like he ate five too many special brownies and got into his dad's liquor cabinet. "Could you really blame me?"

"Whatever, I called it. I totally called it, man!" Frank turns to his lackies, who nod like they're human bobble heads.

I flip him off and continue walking. I pause when I notice Hunter isn't beside me. She looks impressed by my monologue and ducks into a classroom. I lean against the door frame.

She tells the teacher what Frank said as I wait impatiently. Yeah, the guy is a scumbag, but the project is due tomorrow and I'd like to get moving. I think it's due tomorrow. I was staring at... Into space.

The teacher walks out, fuming and drags Frank by his ear to the principal's office. He mutters "ow, ow, ow" the whole way there. I have to admit it was satisfying to see.

Hunter walks out of the classroom, looking a lot calmer. That homophobic word must have gotten to her. I guess she has more depth than I thought. Though that isn't saying much.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

I nod and we go down the hallway, side by side. I get jealous glares by girls and boys.

The forest lies beyond the heavy doors. I hold the door open for her. I may not trust her, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten my manners.

She says thank you and gives me a smile that could restore the sight to a blind man. I actually find that she took my breath away.

But I'm not gay, right? It's normal to watch Carmilla and the L Word... Man, I'd make a horrible lawyer. Yup I'm pretty gay. But I don't like her like that.

I text my mom and let her know I'm working on a project.

Documenting animals turns out to be pretty interesting. We have to keep still and write down and tally the animals we see. My eyes scan over the bushes and see a wolf's eyes. I nudge Hunter. She looks and writes down wolf. The eyes... The eyes look different from the eyes of wolves I've seen in books. Maybe it's a new type or something.

I look down at our paper again and nod to myself. We should have enough information. While we are distracted, the bushes rustle and the wolf leaps out at us.

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