Chapter 24

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With Rose and Luciana living under the same roof as me, life is never dull and time seems to pass quickly.

Though it's only three days before the other assassin shows up. I'm outside, standing and watching the sun set when I'm oh so rudely interrupted.

Now, I might not be tall, but I've never felt quite so small as when he stood in front of me. This man is at least a foot taller than me (and I'm 5' 6") with dark brown untamed hair, complete with a long beard. His eyes are dark and cold, emotionless. And seriously his muscles are huge. I'm thinking steroids.

He glares down at me, the corner of his mouth lifting into a scowl.

I have to kill this behemoth?

The assassin watches me, almost as if he's waiting for me to make the first move. I stay still, staring up at him with a wide-eyed panic.

He scoffs and swings one giant meaty fist at my face. I force myself to stumble back and keep the look of terror, letting him narrowly miss me.

He seems to rely on power and doesn't put his guard up. His feet don't seem to move much and it looks like he's depending on rage to fuel his punches. Not to mention, he's cocky.

He swings again with the other arm and this time I dodge quickly, enjoying the look of shock on his face. I snap my leg up and catch his jaw in a pretty good kick.

He takes a step back, gingerly touching where I got him. He drops his hand and glares at me, growling.

He shifts and whoa his wolf is big too. His fur is the same muddy brown as his human hair. I shift as well, eyeing him warily.

The wolf grins menacingly, showing off plenty of shiny pointed teeth.

He lunges and I try to fight back. I stay on all fours, knowing that going up on two to attack would expose my vulnerable stomach. I swipe at him, but I'm just going to face the facts.

I'm going to die.

This asshat is going to kill me.

He's strong and I'm not nearly as good at fighting in my wolf form.

I fight the urge to grimace when I feel his claws rake down my side. I manage to snag a few tufts of fur and make him bleed lightly through shallow scratches. He scratches my muzzle and I stumble backwards, shaking the blood from my face.

My chest is heaving and steady streams of blood are coming out of my side.

He studies me with a wolffish (pun intended) grin, admiring his handiwork.

Not dying sounds great, so accessing my true alpha powers right now would be wonderful.

If only it were that simple.

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