Chapter 3

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The wolf leaps out at us. It's so fast that I can only watch as it rams into Hunter and knocks her down. She hits her head on a rock and passes out.

I get into a defensive stance. I took karate for two years, but I learned nothing about how to fight a damn wolf.

It growls and launched itself at me. I wrap my arms around and we collapse onto the ground. It chomps down on my shoulder and everything goes dark. My last thought before I lose consciousness is "I hope Stella's okay."

I can feel myself being dragged across the forest, but I am not awake enough to open my eyes to see who or what is moving me. It does not feel like a wolf but a human that is letting me hit every bump on the way to where I'm going.

I did not hear a gunshot but I naively hope that someone has found us and scared of the wolf and is taking us to the hospital. I return to unconsciousness when my head hits a particularly hard rock I know my captor could have steered my limo body away from.

I wake to something lightly hitting my cheek. I groan and jerk away from whatever it is but it hits me again, harder this time. I slowly open my eyes and notice I'm on the ground. I sit up and see a tall pale blonde woman with piercing ice blue eyes.

"Hello. I am Shiba. What it your name, little one?" She cocks her head, studying me.

I squirm nervously under the weight of her gaze before I stop myself. "Stella. Who are you?"

I look around and realize I am surrounded by tough looking possibly gang members in the middle of the woods.

I'm screwed.

"I am the leader of this pack. The Alpha. You are one of us now." Shiba smiles but I can see no warmth in it.

"I just met you guys, I'm not part of your gang. And Alpha? What are you guys, werewolves?"

The bald one cracks his knuckles and tries to stare me down. I glare back until Shiba speaks again.

"Well, I'm glad you guessed. Sometimes it's awful hard to find the right words."

"You said that I'm one of you," I say, looking the 'Alpha' in the eyes. The other wolves stoffen, which I guess is from my blatant lack of respect for their boss lady. "So that wolf that bit me... I'm a werewolf too."

"For once, the new pup isn't stupid." A girl that looks like she is my age with long black hair grunts.

"Where is Hunter?" I ask, realizing I can't see her. Did they leave her there? She could get hypothermia or something.

After a nod from Shiba, bald guy steps aside to reveal her, gagged and bound to a tree. I can only stare. Why did they tie her up and not me? Why me?

"She knows too much," Shiba says.


"Kill her."

Wolves Among the Sheep (Girl x Girl)Where stories live. Discover now