Chapter 18

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Of course Shiba and her pack resort to violence immediately.

"Remember, no changing." I tell them.

"We are not stupid." Shiba growls.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night."

Taunting insane superstrong werewolves probably isn't the best idea I've ever had, but it's certainly fun.

The human students are backing up, though some of them look extremely interested in what's happening.

I raise my fists and get into a fighting stance. I'm suddenly very glad I did karate for a few years.

Rose and Hunter walk so that they're beside me and glare menacingly at the others. Intimidation. Nice.

The courtyard or whatever this place is called is completely silent as a wind blows through, gently ruffling our hair. I feel like I'm in an old western movie.

"This town ain't big enough for the two of us." I say in a Southern accent. It earns me a few sniggers, which seems to piss off Shiba even more.

Shiba swings her fist toward me in a bad attempt at punching and I see it coming a mile away. I catch her fist in my hand like in the movies. Cool.

She snarls at me, baring fangs at first before they shift back to normal human teeth. Not the place for a long fight. Let's just get this over with.

I let go of her and all hell breaks loose. Her wolves rush forward leaving my two friends to fight one against five or something crazy like that. I hope they can handle it. Judging from the amount of blood I can smell coming from over there, someone's doing something right.

Shiba lunges again and I block her punch, twisting her arm away from hitting my face. It really is so fun to piss her off.

I make a move to kick her in the shin which she tries to dodge while I deck her in the face. She only stumbles back a bit, clutching her jaw and giving me a death glare.

I smirk at her and quickly check on Rose and Hunter, who seem to be doing well and kicking ass.

Shiba catches me during my moment of distraction and punches me directly in the nose. While her technique is seriously lacking, she is an alpha and has a lot of strength. I feel blood drip out of my nose. Of course it's probably broken. Perfect.

I watch a teacher walk out of the school with a fiery determination but once he sees the fighting with his own two eyes, he goes paler than a sheet and rushes back in.

I let Shiba think I'm distracted again and let her attempt a roundhouse punch on me, but I dodge when it gets too close for comfort.

I kick at her knee caps and she falls instantly, her expression full of shock. She sits in the grass for a moment, her eyes glassy and she seems dazed.

Her pack members, or rather the ones that haven't been knocked out by the terrible twosome over there rush over to help her up. They leave quickly, making sure to drag their unconscious friends with them.

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