Chapter 35

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"Ready to give up yet?"

Shiba glares and rasps, "Never."

She grabs my foot, her unsheathed claws digging into my skin and pushes. I stumble back as she jumps up, her eyes shining red like mine.

"Are you ready to die, little pup? Not even you and your pet over there can beat me." She hisses, grinning manically.

Rose shifts and I tense, forcing myself not to take in her naked body. Also, this fight is the stereotypical teenage boy's wet dream. Three naked women fighting to the death.

"Want to bet on that?" Rose growls.

Shiba leers at her and I bristle, a low snarl escaping my clenched teeth. She smirks at me.

Rose and I stand side by side, watching the insane alpha to see what she's going to do next.

Shiba gets tired of our waiting game and launches herself at us, arms out and claws extended. We both dodge and I grab the alpha's wrist. Shiba yanks her arm free and lashes out, leaving a gash in Rose's cheek.

My nose twitches automatically at the coppery smell of her blood. Red hot anger fuels my muscles and I wrap my arm around Shiba's throat, pushing until she's backed against a tree. She gasps for breath through my tight grip, but still smirks.

"Give up. Now."

There's a red haze crawling into the edge of my eyesight and I know it's not the blood from the various small cuts on my face. My heart pounds loudly in my chest and all of my muscles are tense. My vision swims for a moment and my stomach churns. I have never been this angry (I'm usually pretty easygoing) so I don't know what I'll do if the anger takes over. I can only hope that she swallows her pride and gives up so I can take her to the police or something.

"Never," Shiba repeats. "You and your bitch are going down."

I lose control of my body as the red haze takes over. My body slumps and I take a few steps back.

Shiba frowns and looks irritated as she gently rubs her bruised neck.

I'm still aware but I can't seem to move my limbs. My body rushes at Shiba and slices her stomach. I can almost see where her organs are, it's pretty gross. But I don't focus on anything other than completely and utterly destroying her, the one who hurt and insulted Rose. I don't care that she hurt me, but to insult my friend, let alone the woman I like, that does not sit well in my mind. I don't fight back against the anger.

Shiba clutches her abdomen, her face twisted in pain. I feel my face smile at the sight.

I kick her in the knee and she falls with a surprised yelp, looking up at me with pleading eyes. She's silently begging to be spared.

I know what I'm going to do next and fight frantically back against the darkness. I don't want to sink to her level and murder her.

But I can't do it in time and I'm fully back to consciousness as I rip her head from her body.

Hello! This story isn't done yet and I will continue it until the end, I promise!! I'll let you guys know when it's over, but I will not stop or give up on this story without letting you beautiful people know. Thank you guys so much for reading, this is my first original nonfanfiction story I've posted on here and it's blowing my mind that it had five thousand reads!! Thank you guys again and stay awesome!!!

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