Chapter 48

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I wake up to an obnoxious "aww" sound coming from my doorway. I snuggle further into Rose, trying to block out the light from the hall.

"Wake up. Dakota's been up all night forming a plan." Hunter says. At least she bothers to be quieter than her lesser half, though I can still hear the amusement ringing in her words.

I keep my eyes closed long enough for them to leave with a huff. Luciana manages to get out one word before Hunter most likely drags her away, "Rose."

My door closes behind them and let myself into that spot between consciousness and unconsciousness that always gives me weird dreams.


I never knew what people meant when they talked about morning voices. Now I do.

"No." My voice is muffled because I'm still invading her personal space but I think it got the point across.

She tries to move away and I cling to her tighter until she stops.

"Okay." Rose lets out a breathy laugh before pulling free.

I grunt and flop into the warm spot she left behind. I listen to her moving around my room and tense when I hear a sound that means terrible things. She pulls the string keeping the blinds down and reveals the lazy morning sun.

I hiss against the burst of red in my closed eyes and throw the blanket over my head.

"You're really not a morning person, huh?" Rose muses. "Come on, Stella. We have to go downstairs so get up." I lay unmoving and she lets out a groan. "Fine. I didn't want to have to do this, but..."

She yanks my blanket off and I yelp. Footsteps thunder up the stairs and my three other house mates burst in.

"What on earth?" Hunter breathes.

I must be quite the sight. Laying on a bed with no covers wearing my lovely nerdy TARDIS onesie with my arm thrown over my eyes to block out the brightness.

"She didn't want to wake up," Rose states.

Dakota sighs and walks slowly back down the hall. "I guess I'll just have to eat all of the M and M pancakes since Stella doesn't want them."

I immediately get up, tripping over my clothes I tossed on the floor a week or so ago and stumbling. Their laugh echoes down the hallway.

"There better be pancakes!" I yell. It's an impressive feat so soon after waking up. Usually my vocabulary is limited to grunting like a cave woman for at least the first half hour.

Luciana gives me a smirk, looking me up and down, and snaps a picture with her phone.

"Send that to me," Hunter demands, giggling at the photo.

"And me." Rose says, stretching her arms tiredly. She grins at me.

"You guys suck."

Luciana cackles and leaves with Hunter. Rose stays behind, smiling almost bashfully.

I kiss her cheek and hand her clothes. "Morning."

Rose blushes, kissing my cheek gently before scurrying off into the bathroom to change.

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