Chapter 51

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We stand still, watching each other. I'm not going to make the first move.

James shifts his feet and I can read annoyance on his face. He lets out a quiet sigh before lunging at me.

Luckily, I predicted his movements and am able to dodge. He is alarmingly fast, especially for a buff man. This might be tougher than I thought.

James recovers quickly and decides invading my personal space is the best option. I wrinkle my nose at his stench but crane my neck to look him in the eye.

His confidence shows and I can see how delighted he is at our height difference. As if me being shorter than him makes me inferior in any way (except height, of course).

I shove him in the chest, forcing him back a few steps. James smirks like he thinks I just used all I had to try to push him into the ground. Not even close.

He swings and I duck, pivoting and kicking him in the ribs. James wheezes but manages to stay upright, bending over and grasping his stomach. Which puts him in the perfect position for me to knee him in the face. Which I do.

He stumbles back a few feet, his hands on his bloody nose. If I'm not mistaken, I heard it crack. I just broke his nose. Awesome.

I take the opportunity to glance at Rose. She's standing on the sidelines in my jacket with her hands clasped together tight. I hate that I'm the cause of her worry.

I'm distracted for longer than I intend to be and suddenly I'm on my back. I blink in surprise. James is sitting on my hips, glaring down at me.

How did he do that?

I shift into a wolf to escape and buck him off. I huff, shaking my pelt. His eyes glint and then he shifts too.

We run at each other and meet in the middle, a blur of fur and claws. When we separate, both of our flanks are heaving. We both have minor cuts and scratches all over.

I hear Rose behind me take a sharp breath and I know I look worse than I actually am. I wag my tail once to signal that I'm okay.

James looks... Tired. Now, I'm not going to be doing fifty cartwheels anytime soon (ignoring the fact that I can't do cartwheels) but I'm better than him.

I stalk toward him and growl, allowing him the possibility to back down now. James' eyes flicker over to where Rose is before he stares at me, not giving up.

He doesn't know when he's beat. I move faster than I know he can at his current energy level and clamp my teeth gently around his throat.

I growl again and this time, he submits. I let him go and shift back into human form. Rose drapes my jacket over my naked body and kisses my cheek.

I think I just won. But it seems like it was too easy.

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