Chapter 46

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Rose and I pack up the picnic. After James' visit and my imminent fight to the death, the peaceful mood is shattered.

Once we finish, I take the backpack and her hand.

She grins at me, "Smooth."

I wiggle my eyebrows and Rose laughs. I know she's worried about me fighting James. I'll do anything I can to ease her mind. I can only imagine the others' responses once we get home.

"Shall we?" I murmur. The quiet of the forest makes anything louder seem odd and out of place.

"Chivalry isn't dead."

I blush. Before everything, I was raised to be a gentlewoman. After everything, I discovered Tumblr and taught myself how to be a better gentlewoman. You know, how to be sensitive to people's emotions and how to not be an asshat.

Anyways. We walk side by side through the woods back toward my house. I sneak glances at the gorgeous woman beside me. She knows what I'm doing, subtlety is one of the many arts I have yet to perfect, but she doesn't comment. Instead, she moves closer to me until our shoulders brush with every movement.

I'm enjoying the time just basking in her presence and the house comes into view much too quickly.

I hold the door open for her and take pride in the red blush creeping up her cheeks.

Of course Dakota, Hunter, and Luciana are sitting in the living room, staring at us. Hunter is practically on Luciana's lap, despite them being on a couch.

"So? How'd it go?" Hunter questions, wiggling excitedly. Luciana wraps her arms around her, trapping her against her body.

"Did you kids have fun?" Luciana purrs suggestively.

"Yes, but not in the way you think. Are you having fun?" I smirk as Luciana flushes and Hunter stops squirming.

"Nice try, Stella. Rose, how did it go?" Dakota asks.

Rose smiles at them, seeming as grateful as I am at their politeness.

"It went well. Our party was crashed, but it ended pretty good."

I know how Luciana will take that. As I thought, she perks up at Rose's words. "Oh, really?"

I groan and sit on one of the chair's arms, allowing Rose to sit on the cushion. I lean back and get comfortable. One of my arms just happens to go around Rose.

Her mouth twitches up into this adorable half-smile I love. "We don't have fun the same way you do. Speaking of which, we need to either get you two gags or us earplugs." Hunter and Luciana blush again and Hunter snuggles back into her. "But yeah, James came and challenged Stella."

"To what? I would say a mine's bigger than yours contest, but you don't have one if those." Luciana gives me a once over. "That I know of."

"No, no. And he challenged me to a fight to the death."

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