Coping with Hero (oh and Aubrey yells a lot)

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Not me looking up affectionate Spanish expressions for your son lol-


Hero was so, so angry.

Furious, even.

The worst part was he knew he shouldn't be.

Since that hospital day he had reverted back into the hermit he had been, the year she-

God he couldn't even think about her without tears stinging the corners of his eyes. It just didn't stop coming. He flopped onto the bed, landing face-first onto the mattress.

Kel was so worried for him, but he couldn't do anything about it. Hero refused to talk to him lest he had a repeat of the last time he tried to talk him into leaving his room.

His barely touched breakfast plate lay on his bedroom table, probably half a day old. The pancakes his mother made hadn't tasted so good to him, and that was sad. The floor was littered with papers, his clothes and Kel's things. There probably was more, but the room was so dim it was hard to see. The blinds were shut and the door closed, and lights off. Hero didn't bother tidying his room, he just didn't have the motivation to do so. What's a little mess going to do, kill him?

Well it won't kill him, but his mother certainly will when she sees it.

His hair had got even messier if that was possible, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd changed his clothes.

Three days ago?

No, he remembered taking a shower right after he got home from the hospital. That was, what-five days ago, right?

He couldn't keep track anymore, time was merely a blur for him right now.

Over the days he had tried to process the information that he'd heard, like for starters, Mari hadn't committed suicide, which had caused his depressive spiral in the first place, and had led him to give up being a cook, and rather a doctor.

A psychiatrist more specifically.

Everything he had done that revolved around the thought of Mari dying that way was all built on a lie.

So these past few days Hero had been rethinking life choices. Should he have become a doctor which instead specializes in people who've fallen down? He was getting his college degree next semester, so he couldn't exactly go back and change his specifications.

Oh god, what was he thinking...

Hero sat up and hugged his pillow to his chest, and slightly began rocking back and forth.

Imagine what Sunny and Basil have gone through...

Part of him wanted to feel pity and say that everything was okay and it was an accident. After all, they were just kids, though it was very concerning that Basil knew how to tie a noose at the age of 12. Besides, it was a miracle they hadn't decided to end it all, out of stress and guilt.

Another part of him wanted to never see them again, since he'd changed his entire life goals based on the one fabricated lie they'd told. Hiding for four years was hard, he should admit but...weren't they their friends? Wasn't Hero their friend? They should've told him, at least! Or had the common sense to call an ambulance, instead of going through the trouble of doing all that!

But then again, they were just kids...

They were old enough to know how to call for help.

Hero just couldn't pick a side. He knew what they'd done was messed up, but at the same time, they had panicked. Sunny had even mentioned he'd dissociated throughout the whole thing, and Basil, no matter how sick the whole act was, he'd just tried to cover up for Sunny.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now