"The Love of my Life, My Sunshine."

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[Spoilers!] kel and sunny try to kiss but weedboy ruins it like the little gremlin he is >:(

this chapter was supposed to have art but like... I wanna make a good one and I'm too busy with school. maybe next chapter :)


That ordeal with Basil had overwhelmed Sunny a lot.

Kel had brought him to his bed to get him to try and talk about it, but he felt too bad about what he'd witnessed, so he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Kel had understood, and left the room to go and check up on the others. Sunny had lay down, and promptly fell asleep.

It was a habit of his he knew he had to grow out of, but for now, he let himself rest.

He felt himself fall, fall, fall into a dark black void.

A slight, familiar whirring noise.


A background that looked like crinkled up paper.


L.     I  A
C     T C
O     E E


This may be the last time you see this place, Dreamer.


And then, white again.


What was all that about?

Sunny blinked, sitting up on the cold surface of endless white.

Why had that message appeared?

Was this the last time he ever saw White Space?

That sounded...kind of sad.

And why was he brought here anyways?

Had something happened again?

"Sunny.", a voice called out.

Sunny turned.

Omori stared at him, with those dark, empty eyes. He looked more like caricature than before.

"Omori.", he said simply.

For a moment, they only stared at each other.
Omori sat down, and inched towards him, very much like a cat.

Sometimes Sunny forgot that his mental age was forever stuck as a 12 year old. Omori almost looked demanding of some attention.

"What's...up?", Sunny asked, unsure.

Omori only nuzzled against his shoulder.

Okay, definitely cat-like. He could almost see the fuzzy ears protruding out of Omori's head.

"You did it.", Omori stated monotonously.

"Did..what?", Sunny asked, then realised.

"Oh. You mean..Kel?"

Omori nodded.

"Well...", Sunny scratched his head nervously, "I guess so."

A silence, while Omori observed him. He seemed to be reading his mind.

"You don't sound satisfied. Isn't Kel what you want? You love him."

"I-", Sunny hesitated, then continued, "Even if I do love him, I can't be with him."

"Why do you think so?"

"First, my mother-", Sunny admitted.

Omori leaned back, disgusted. "You can't possibly think of her. Look at how she neglected you during your worst times."

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now